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Darmowy emulator CD potrzebny !!!


Adamos7 [ Genera� ]

Darmowy emulator CD potrzebny !!!

Jak w temacie, potrzebny do pracy. Na kilku plytkach sa podzespoly samochodowe i trzeba nimi wachlowac, co doprowadza mnie do bialej goraczki. Bede wdzieczny za pomoc.


_Robo_ [ Genera� ]

daemon tools! Darmowy i zdecydowanie najlepszy!


Adamos7 [ Genera� ]

To, ze jeden z najlepszych to wiem, ale czy darmowy to nie wiem :/ z ponizszego tekstu wynika, ze jesli ma byc uzywany w celach komercyjnych, to nie ;(


* This program is NOT freeware.

* If you don't use this program for commercial purposes you do not have to
register a license and are allowed to use this software for free. But if you
want to support our work you may do so, of course. Plz contact us for details.
This private license is limited until the next version of this software is

* If you use this program commercially (e.g. in a company, internet cafe etc.)
somehow you must license it! Please contact us for details.

* You are only allowed to use this program if you are a legal owner of the
original CD and you want to create or use a backup of your original CD.

* Feel free to use this package in other FREE products, as long as you
leave this package unmodified and include credits to author.
If you want to include this software in a commercial product plz contact us
for permission!

* This software is provided "as is". The authors cannot be held responsible
for any loss of data or other misfortunes resulting from the use of this

* Likewise the authors cannot be held responsible for the use or misuse of
this software."


Adamos7 [ Genera� ]

Sofcik nadal potrzebny.


_Robo_ [ Genera� ]

A sorry nie doczytalem, ze potrzebujesz do pracy... w takim razie moze poszukaj starszej wersji jak jeszcze byl darmowy

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