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TDZK - Gwiezdny Kupiec On-Line - część 66


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

TDZK - Gwiezdny Kupiec On-Line - część 66


Co to jest TDZK? Jest to jedna z wielu, bardzo wielu gier on-line przez WWW.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, jest to gra s-f, rozgrywająca się w kosmosie. Gracz posiada statek kosmiczny należącego do jednego z 9 typów, od frachtowca do pancernika. Co można robic w tej grze? Mozna handlować i zbierać surowce, co jest naszym podstawowym zajęciem na początku gry. Po kolejnych awansach na wyższe poziomy i uzbieraniu dostatecznej ilości gotówki możemy przesiąść się na okręt wojenny i napadać na porty, walczyć i polować na innych graczy lub NPC. Ostatecznym celem może być zdobycie i rozbudowa planety, jednek tego celu nie da się osiągnąć samotnie. Trzeba przyłączyć się do jednego z wielu sojuszy i dzięki temu będzie mozna osiągnąć ten cel.

Gra oferuje bardzo bogaty świat, w którym jest 36 systemów słonecznych, 8800 sektorów, 610 portów i 74 planet. Do wyboru jest 7 ras.

W chwili obecjen dzialaja dwa sojusze:

Sojusz: Silver Horde (sojusz pelny)
Leader: Gryffin
Sub-Commanders: DanielfromPoland (czytaj MOD :) ), Urdaz

Sojusz Silver Horde. (uwaga na kropka:) ) --> Zapisy po rozmowie z liderem! Zgłoszenia wysyłać via TDZK lub GG (nr. 4458289) <--
Leader: Bialy (kot)
Sub-Commanders: Banshee, Pirx (trener rekrutow)
Ambassador: Mirmil

Siedziba: Silver Moon w 25023.
Strona Silver Horde:
GRA: lub lub
Strona MADOX'a z opisem stacji i nie tylko:
Applety do irca:
Kanał IRC: #silverhorde

Potrzebujemy nowych pilotow!!!. Nasz sojusz jest silny i liczny, ale miejsca dla jeszcze pare osob na pewno sie znajdzie. Wiec jezeli chcecie przezyc niezapomniana przygode w kosmosie zacznijcie grac w TDZK i zapiszcie sie do nas.

Poprzedni wątek:


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Phi, Scourge super rasa:) CIENIASY. Corvetty od drugiej tury w ogole nie odpowiadaly ogniem, bo mialy tyle EMP damage:) A cruisery zreszta nie lepiej, tylko im zabraklo powera do primary. A te 6 swarmow i 6 heavy torped nic nam nie robili:) A lataja w statkach lv 400:) Phi:)


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Phi,phi ale bez empa to by byla kicha.Tylko emp nas ratowal bo nie umieja sie leczyc.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Kiedy macie czas na rajd?Bo jakos od soboty nie mozemy sie zgrac.Je teraz jestem chory/oslabiony mam full czasu i bardzo chcialbym byc na rajdzie:)


Dzikh [ Pretorianin ]

Ostatnio mam małe lagi,ale cały czas czekam na jakiś znak od góry:)Jak dla mnie może byc np.dzisiaj,a jak nie to praktycznie każdego dnia po południu.Tylko niech ktos napisze troche wcześniej,bo nie siedze cały czas na forum i moge przegapić:)

Co do scourge to gratuluje wszystkim:)Niestety to raczej zły znak,bo zaraz tu sie może zlecieć czołówka hunterów którzy tylko czekali na te NPC...


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

No i kolejny scourge padl:)

Dzik --> e tam nie beda sie tylko tutaj zlatywac. A gdyby nawet to dobrze. beda zajeci scourge'ami a nie nami:)


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Wpadlismy przed chwila z Kangurem na parke scourgy. Destroyer. pilot lv40 statek lv 500 z 277/48 i scoutem 22/8

Oto pierwsza tura walki: byla ciezka ja stracilem 2300 shieldow, kangur 2000, takze dla chetnych uwazajcie, to nie takie latwe jak sie wydaje:)

Scourge Scout

Level 200 Recon Vessel
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, but misses.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 177 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 90 Shields.
Fires a Super Laser Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, but misses.

Scourge Marauder
Level 500 Destroyer
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 441 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 396 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 350 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 72 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 88 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 73 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 69 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 143 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 430 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 439 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 122 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 129 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 124 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 326 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 66 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 92 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 101 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 127 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 58 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Vortex Cannon at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 75 Shields.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 30 Shields.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 24 Shields.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 44 Shields.
Fires a Cluster Bomb at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 49 Shields.
Fires a Rocket Bomb at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 62 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 126 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 148 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 181 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S TWISTER, dispersing 60 Shields.
Fires a Fusion Torpedo at the S.H.S. Silver Sting, dispersing 382 Shields. [Critical Hit]

S.H.S. Silver Sting
Level 220 Battleship
Fires a Swarm Missile at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 44 Shields.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the Scourge Scout, but the Scourge Scout manages to evade.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 40 Shields.
Fires a Hornet Missile at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 136 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Hornet Missile at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 40 Shields.
Fires a Hornet Missile at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 39 Shields.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 55 Shields and draining 72 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 49 Shields and draining 120 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 85 Shields and draining 82 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 48 Shields and draining 79 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 69 Shields and draining 95 power.

Level 255 Destroyer
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 91 Shields and draining 77 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 107 Shields and draining 101 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, but the Scourge Scout manages to evade.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 114 Shields and draining 104 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 251 Shields and draining 285 power. [Critical Hit]
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 71 Shields and draining 89 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 76 Shields and draining 12 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 65 Shields and draining 73 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 98 Shields and draining 0 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 114 Shields and draining 0 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 66 Shields and draining 0 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, dispersing 75 Shields and draining 0 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 115 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 95 Shields and draining 100 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 74 Shields and draining 61 power.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the Scourge Scout, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 71 EMP damage.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Scout, destroying 305 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 187 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 170 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Marauder, dispersing 77 Shields.


Ptaq [ Centurion ]

Zawewnie większość z was juz zauważyła, że ważność NAPu pomiędzy SH a GC mija za dwa dni. Wypowiedzieliśmy pakt aby wprowadzić Mutual Offensive. Osoby zainteresowanie wiedzą, że rozmawialiśmy o tym od jakiegoś czasu, ale ze względu na okolicznosci decyzja co do zmiany paktu była cały czas odkładana. W tej chwili okoliczności stopujące tę decyzję zniknęły (połaczenia GC z innym sojuszem narazie nie bedzie, a trzeci z sojuszów DEA tak szybko nie powstanie) a także pojawiły sie nowe sprawy, które przyśpieszyły decyzję. Chodzi oczywiscie o hunterów IPT, którzy pojawili sie w naszym systemie. Mutual Offensive Pact da nam nowe mozliwości wspólnej walki. Bedziemy mogli razem walczyć jakbysmy byli z jednego sojuszu. pamiętajcie tylko o odpowiednim ustawieniu squadronów, mam nadzieję, że Gryffin wkleił o tym informacje gdzieś na waszym forum. Przy huntowaniu squadron powinien byc ustawiony na X. A więc drżyjcie IPT, Silver Horde i Korsarze lączą siły !


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Dzikh>>Ja jestem prawie caly czas,to tylko kwestia ze by was bylo 3:)


franko_s [ Junior ]

Ja przewaznie z rana jestem, czasami wieczorem np. dzisiaj.
Chetnie bym porajdowal bo specjalnie sprzecior kupilem a tu ....


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

To moze jutro okolo 9?


Qna [ Konsul ]

MOD---> przylece swoim frighterem po łupy :)


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Widzialem wlasnie pare takich stateczków:)

Scourge Guardian Leviathan L: 600 298/127
Scourge Guardian Scourge L: 50

w jednym sektorze, a wdrugim bylo takich dwoch, scout i carrier.


Qna [ Konsul ]

Będzie dzisiaj jakiś rajd? Pytam, bo posprzątałem ładownie i teraz mogę więcej łupów zmieścić :-P Mam tylko prośbę, żębyście wybrali port jak najbliżej naszej palnety, to od razu pozawożę na nią towary :)


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Rajd nieudany.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Czarna sroda;)
NG147b2 (493) piloting [Holy Archons] LBJ destroyed S.H.S. BIAŁY ORZEŁ, owned by Gofer (6989), in Sector 25375.
04/09/03 03:47:29 EST
Billy the kid (93) piloting [HOLY] Noob Popper destroyed S.H.S. MROK, owned by franko (837), in Sector 25376.
04/09/03 03:36:59 EST
Port 26555 destroyed S.H.S. Silver Sting, owned by Gryffin (621), in Sector 26555.
04/09/03 03:36:59 EST
Port 26555 destroyed S.H.S Trufla, owned by Dzik (713), in Sector 26555.


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Kilka uwag po nieudanym rajdzie.

1. 3 BB mają szanse na rozwalenie portu lv 14. Po pierwszej rundzie portowi zostalo tlyko 85 combat dronow i 335 emp dronow.
2. CZYTAJCIE mesg od lidera w sojuszu. Jest tam spis ustawień sqadron na wszystkie sytuacje.
3. NIE zmieniajcie ustawienia sqadronu w trakcie walki.
4. CZYTAJCIE dokładnie ustalenia przed samym rajdem (z irc'a lub gg, zalezy gdzie toczy sie dyskusja).
5. Jak czegoś nie wiecie, lub nie jesteście pewni, TO SIE ZAPYTAJCIE przed rozpoczęciem walki, a nie podejmujcie jakiś akcji w trakcie walki, bez uzgodnienia ich z resztą walczących.

Jak się uspokoje, może jeszcze coś wymyśle:)


KANGUR [ Pretorianin ]

Gryffin ---> no w morde jeża, to wyszła wielka bryndza. I z kimja teraz będę rozwalał piratów :-(


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jak stoimy z umowami z Holy, IPT, Taelos Deliverance? Jak widze ich drony w naszym systemie to az mnie reka swedzi na spuscie mojego wiernego 25mm MG ;)


Sinic [ ]

Sharky -->
Rozwalaj wszystko Holy co sie kreci u nas.
A reszta chyba pozniej tez powinna byc do odstrzalu. Na razie niech moze jednak zostanie, do pierwszego naszego poda.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Wszystkie scouty rozwalajcie oprocz fenixow.


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

No to pare scoutow poszlo do gazu. Zwlaszcza panow z Holy.


Sinic [ ]

Oto ostateczny wynik moich wysilkow projektanckich powstajacy wlasnie w stoczni.

Tiny Little Pod - Level 230 Wraith Destroyer
2 x Targeting Computer
6 x Secondary Hardpoint
4 x Primary Hardpoint
2 x Main Engine
20 x Shield Battery
Mass Driver
Armor-Piercing Warheads
Concussive Dampener
Subspace Jump Drive
Cloaking Device (Racial)
6 x Cyclone Flak Cannon
6 x 120mm Sabot Cannon
10 x Heavy Torpedo (10)

Level 230 Wraith Destroyer

Rating: 188/42

Speed : 18 Manoeuvrability : 40
CDrones : 0 Shields : 3450
Armour : 750 Power : 625
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :100
Shield Recharge Rate :100
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 642/1105
Shields: 1947.5/2982.5
Armour: 2007.5/3042.5
EMP: 0/0

*Weapons will use 150 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 4 salvos

$ 3,763,162,461

Malkontentom oswiadczam, ze bedzie on latal razem z dronami Bialego i dlatego zdjalem w ostatecznej wersji hangar i scanner.


Qna [ Konsul ]

co tu tak cicho? morale spadlo po dzisiejszym czarnym poranku? :)


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Ja sie juz powoli uspokajam:)


Sinic [ ]

Pod naciskiem wladz sojuszu dokonalem korekty w moim stateczku :(
Ale jakos to przezyje :)
Jest 1 hangar i 2 tarcze mniej. Cena wzrasta o marne 7 mln.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Qna ,wlaz na irca ,tam zawsze ktos jest.


Dzikh [ Pretorianin ]

A ja chyba bede musiał sobie zrobić jeszcze dzień lub dwa przerwy,bo odechciało mi sie grać...


Qna [ Konsul ]

Dzikh ---> wracaj szybko.

Zobaczcie kto nas odwiedził:

04/09/03 20:07:13 EST
Your Scout Drones spotted Madox (55) in Mary had a little lamb moving into Sector 25376. [No Relation]

... i wynik wizyty:

04/09/03 20:40:40 EST
Madox (55) piloting Ray is a *CENSORED* destroyed (IPT-Armada), owned by $nip3r (2572), in Sector 25376.

Ktoś go do nas zaprosił i dał zlecenie na tego snipera? :P


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

KONIEC NAP z Phoenixami.
04/09/03 15:28:37 EST from Leo dGreen (794)
I'd like to inform you that, due to the recent development, we shall terminate the U-NAP between our alliances in 48 hours. Please inform those of your members, who are aware of its existance, of that.

W związku z tym prosze o wrzucenie jak najwiekszej ilosci gotówki na planete, albo do sojuszu. Mósimy podbic paramerty planety.

Poza tym, zacznijcie nocowac raczej na planecie niz w stacjach, bo moga one byc rajdowane, niewazne jaki lv maja.
W 25 pojawil sie również TD, takze zaczyna byc powoli niebezpiecznie:(.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

To juz sie robi niedobrze.Najlepsi hunterzy sie zlecieli i strzelaja do nas,Zygron rozwalil 2 naszych.Trzeba szybko przeprowadzic akcje Bezpieczne Cryos:).


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

I kolejna smutna wiadomość:


Tell your alliance members that Madox, Raymtzer and totosh are here in 25k (Volkov). Those 3 people are the top 3 in the Kills ranking. :(

Also, I've received messages that ports in 25k will be raided.
So ask them not to stay in ports, not even Volkov because that's not safe anymore.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Rozstawcie nad planeta pakiety bojowe na agressive.


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

w sasiednich sektorach tez


darkomen2 [ Konsul ]

RayzteR rozwalil Totosha -- czy to nie mile.

Z tego co zrozumialem z jego gadki to bywa ze on poluje na hanterow, tak robil i w moim systemie. Gryffin wez z nim pogadaj, skoro juz u nas sa zapytaj go czy beda nas atakowali bo z gosciem idzie sie dogadac. I jakby co to skieruj do systemu feniksow, on siedzi kupe czasu w necie wiec bedzie mial zajecie :P


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

A czy Madox tez jest dalej u nas?


Sinic [ ]

W sektorze 25377 jeden idiota bez sojuszu zostawil offline drony na aggy. Dopoki ktos ich nie rozwali lepiej tam nie latac. Sa juz dwa pody.


Sinic [ ]

S.H.S. Narwhal
Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 10 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 20 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 14 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 17 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 13 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 18 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 108 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 221 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 106 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 183 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, dispersing 5 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 204 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 175 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 143 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 124 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -GTH-No Worries, destroying 29 Armor.
-GTH-No Worries explodes.

-GTH-No Worries
Level 100 Cruiser
The field of debris is unable to return fire.

Moja pierwsza ofiara :)


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

K*.*a mac... pierwszy pod i 5 leveli do tylu i to wszystko baaardzo szybko...
04/10/03 06:46:58 EST
You were destroyed by RaymzteR (680).
04/10/03 06:46:58 EST
You were attacked by RaymzteR in Sector 25376.

Darkomen --> czyli nie rozwala tylko hunterow ale i traderow... przydalby sie ktos zeby zrobic z nim porzadek.


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Recent Notices (100)
04/10/03 06:57:07 EST
RaymzteR (680) piloting PSV IzzaRay destroyed S.H.S. Supestatek, owned by DanielfromPoland (912), in Sector 25376.
Mimo iz bylem z Kangurem.


Maurer [ Junior ]

Kitarianin lev 42 z checia przesiadzie sie w jakas bojowa maszynke i pomoze w dzialaniach bojowych przeciw terrorysta krazacym w naszym systemie. Potrzebowalbym jednak pomocy przy projektowaniu jakiegos sensownego stateczku.


Urdaz [ Konsul ]

Lords of Fear zdobyli dzisiaj 2 planety DEA W 21k Elanna . Powoli opanowują centrum galaktyki


Dzikh [ Pretorianin ]

A mówiłem,że jak tylko pojawią sie scourge to tu zaraz zlecą sie hunterzy...A na Raya to nie ma sie co porywac nawet w 3,chyba,ze ktoś weźmie bron specjalnie na niego.Np.takie 2 battle z 10 cyclonami i 8 CB+proxy,ew.swarmami,może by mu coś zrobiły:)
A ja jak tylko uzbieram na battla to znowu ruszam na wojenna sciezke:)


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Ray to cwaniak,atakuje 1 ture , wraca na stacje i sie leczy ,bije sie tylko nad stacja ,ja niestety nie moglem wejsc do srodka z powodu ali.


Maurer [ Junior ]

Speed destro - Level 225 Kitaran Destroyer
6 x Primary Hardpoint
2 x Main Engine
16 x Manoeuvrability
7 x Power Battery
6 x Shield Battery
Subspace Jump Drive
Cloaking Device
Beam Regulators
Internal Repair Module
Spatial Rift Generator (Racial)
14 x Heavy Beam Cannon
Rating: 110/20

Speed : 21 Manoeuvrability : 310
CDrones : 0 Shields : 1200
Armour : 750 Power : 1200
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :125
Shield Recharge Rate :125
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 140/280
Shields: 770/1120
Armour: 770/1120
EMP: 0/0

*Weapons will use 218 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 5 salvos
*Your ship can regenerate 63 shields per combat turn


Level 235 Kitaran Destroyer(14131)
7 x Primary Hardpoint(14131)
10 x Manoeuvrability(13090)
5 x Power Battery (14075)
18 x Shield Battery(14131)
Cloaking Device (14131)
Subspace Jump Drive(14075)
Positron Gap Generator(26384)
Wave Intensifier (14075)
Spatial Rift Generator (Racial)
15 x EMP Phase Disruptor(14131)
4 x Fusion Torpedo (1) (14131)
Rating: 164/29

Speed : 17 Manoeuvrability : 220
CDrones : 0 Shields : 2100
Armour : 750 Power : 1000
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :100
Shield Recharge Rate :100
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 1962/3125
Shields: 1350/2300
Armour: 600/800
EMP: 1050/1800

*Weapons will use 105 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 9 salvos


Level 235 Kitaran Destroyer
6 x Primary Hardpoint
2 x Drone Hangars
20 x Manoeuvrability
5 x Power Battery
10 x Shield Battery
Subspace Jump Drive
Cloaking Device
Particle Accelerator
Spatial Rift Generator (Racial)
4 x Cyclone Flak Cannon
8 x Doomsday Fusion Cannon
Rating: 80/23

Speed : 17 Manoeuvrability : 370
CDrones : 0 Shields : 1500
Armour : 750 Power : 1000
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :100
Shield Recharge Rate :100
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 500/850
Shields: 350/1400
Armour: 400/1450
EMP: 0/0

*Weapons will use 180 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 5 salvos


G.C.S.S. Manouver Whore - Level 220 Kitaran Destroyer
[17:19] <@Arven> -----
[17:19] <@Arven> 2 x Primary Hardpoint
[17:19] <@Arven> 2 x Main Engine
[17:19] <@Arven> 30 x Manoeuvrability
[17:19] <@Arven> 6 x Shield Battery
[17:19] <@Arven> -----
[17:19] <@Arven> Scanners
[17:19] <@Arven> Subspace Jump Drive
[17:19] <@Arven> Internal Repair Module
[17:19] <@Arven> Wave Intensifier
[17:19] <@Arven> Spatial Rift Generator (Racial)
[17:19] <@Arven> -----
[17:19] <@Arven> 10 x Heavy Beam Cannon
[17:19] <@Arven> 4 x Swarm Missile (20)
[17:19] <@Arven> G.C.S.S. Manouver Whore
[17:19] <@Arven> -----
[17:19] <@Arven> Level 220 Kitaran Destroyer
[17:19] <@Arven> Rating: 105/20
[17:19] <@Arven> Speed : 21 Manoeuvrability : 520
[17:19] <@Arven> CDrones : 0 Shields : 1200
[17:19] <@Arven> Armour : 750 Power : 500
[17:19] <@Arven> AI : 5
[17:19] <@Arven> Self Rates
[17:19] <@Arven> Power Recharge Rate :125
[17:19] <@Arven> Shield Recharge Rate :125
[17:19] <@Arven> Armour Repair Rate :0
[17:20] <@Arven> Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
[17:20] <@Arven> Drones: 365/730
[17:20] <@Arven> Shields: 767.5/1200
[17:20] <@Arven> Armour: 767.5/1200
[17:20] <@Arven> EMP: 0/0
[17:20] <@Arven> *Weapons will use 138 power each combat turn
[17:20] <@Arven> *You can fire a total of 3 salvos
[17:20] <@Arven> *Your ship can regenerate 63 shields per combat turn
[17:20] <@Arven> typically, i drop the IRM for a cloak, pick up an IF instead of scanners, and be sure to buy a drone hangar with that, it's the only thing AtM forgot


Kit Man DD - Level 210 Kitaran Destroyer
4 x Targeting Computer
4 x Secondary Hardpoint
2 x Drone Hangars
26 x Manoeuvrability
Cloaking Device
Internal Repair Module
Proximity Warheads
Spatial Rift Generator (Racial)
8 x Heavy Beam Cannon
8 x Cluster Bomb (20)
Rating: 104/15

Speed : 17 Manoeuvrability : 460
CDrones : 0 Shields : 750
Armour : 750 Power : 500
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :125
Shield Recharge Rate :125
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 720/1360
Shields: 840/1440
Armour: 840/1440
EMP: 0/0

*Weapons will use 98 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 5 salvos
*Your ship can regenerate 63 shields per combat turn

A wiec to jest to co dostalem i nie wiem co w obecnej sytuacji sie przyda . Porady mile widziane :)


bialy kot [ Konsul ]

Wybaczcie prywatę, ale musze :) To mój pierwszy pod :D

04/10/03 13:54:13 EST
Biały (2449) piloting S.H.S. Black Sun destroyed Dwarf, owned by Excelsior (6457), in Sector 25355.

biały kot


Qna [ Konsul ]

Rzuć monetą :)


Qna [ Konsul ]

biały---> gratuluję. :)


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

max --> powiedz co o tym myslisz. destr za niecaly miliard. empy pozwola ci prawdopodobnie pozbawic przeciwnika wiekszosci energi i moze nawet empy dadza. torpedy dokoncza reszty.

Level 190 Wraith Destroyer
2 x Primary Hardpoint
6 x Main Engine
1 x Drone Hangars
20 x Shield Battery
Subspace Jump Drive
Interdiction Field
Positron Gap Generator
Cloaking Device (Racial)
10 x EMP Phase Disruptor
4 x Heavy Torpedo (10)

Rating: 63/43

Speed : 26 Manoeuvrability : 40
CDrones : 10 Shields : 3450
Armour : 750 Power : 625
AI : 5

Self Rates
Power Recharge Rate :100
Shield Recharge Rate :100
Armour Repair Rate :0

Damage per attack round (Min/Max)
Drones: 420/760
Shields: 680/1580
Armour: 220/780
EMP: 700/1200

*Weapons will use 70 power each combat turn
*You can fire a total of 8 salvos


Qna [ Konsul ]

Gryffin ---> mi się podoba, tylko nie dawalbym tylu Main Engine, zamiast tego lepiej dodac osłony lub PHP. Uważam, że u huntera, który ma bronić naszego systemu to speed 20 spokojnie wystarczy.

Co teraz stawiamy na planecie i po ile to jest?


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

04/10/03 15:16:22 EST from LIck3r (2266)
they prob did that cuz they know where u all resource now. If I was you. Ide stop worring about leveling everyone. and get some into ship. And take that territory. You will always need to hunt in packs. Never alone. Our guys hunt 2-3.

always have someone in a carrier. make them get scanners and keep 50 drones on scouts instead of combat. This is so they can see even the level 59's.

Get atleast 1 battleship. put about /60 or /65 defense on it. Load the prims with cyclones. and the secs with heavy torps. This is because everyone seems to be hunting with 2 carriers now. and Madox is in a dessy. but he has about 200+ drones instead of armor. then make the other ships dessies. But never let them hunt without a carrier there for a scout.

dostalem przed chwila odpowiedz od lickera na prosbe o pomoc i porady co robic w sprawie feniksow. najpardopodobniej chca oni przejac nasza planete. Dlatego tez

aby kazdy powyzej lv30 przesiadl sie na warshipa. tylko niech kazdy zglosi sie na co sie przesiada. dobrze by bylo zebrac 5 osob w batlach, takich z obrona 70-75, do rajdow na wysokolevelowe porty i ew planety. Poza tym, prosilbym o jakies datki na sojsuz, w celu udzielenia ew pozyczek, ludziom ktorym brakuje kasy na statki, oraz na uzbrojenie planety.


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

04/10/03 15:16:22 EST from LIck3r (2266)
they prob did that cuz they know where u all resource now. If I was you. Ide stop worring about leveling everyone. and get some into ship. And take that territory. You will always need to hunt in packs. Never alone. Our guys hunt 2-3.

always have someone in a carrier. make them get scanners and keep 50 drones on scouts instead of combat. This is so they can see even the level 59's.

Get atleast 1 battleship. put about /60 or /65 defense on it. Load the prims with cyclones. and the secs with heavy torps. This is because everyone seems to be hunting with 2 carriers now. and Madox is in a dessy. but he has about 200+ drones instead of armor. then make the other ships dessies. But never let them hunt without a carrier there for a scout.

dostalem przed chwila odpowiedz od lickera na prosbe o pomoc i porady co robic w sprawie feniksow. najpardopodobniej chca oni przejac nasza planete. Dlatego tez

aby kazdy powyzej lv30 przesiadl sie na warshipa. tylko niech kazdy zglosi sie na co sie przesiada. dobrze by bylo zebrac 5 osob w batlach, takich z obrona 70-75, do rajdow na wysokolevelowe porty i ew planety. Poza tym, prosilbym o jakies datki na sojsuz, w celu udzielenia ew pozyczek, ludziom ktorym brakuje kasy na statki, oraz na uzbrojenie planety.


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

ups, dwa razy:(


Sinic [ ]

Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 10 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 18 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 13 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 14 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 3 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 104 Armor.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 211 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 195 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 182 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 156 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 189 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 210 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT)Here I come, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 2 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 175 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 179 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 367 Armor. [Critical Hit]

(IPT)Here I come
Level 150 Carrier
Launches 181 Combat drones at the S.H.S. Narwhal.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Light Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Light Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.

(IPT-Armada)BeWare The Great One
Level 190 Battleship
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.

(IPT-Armada)Im THE BABY!
Level 190 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 64 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.

Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 26 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 10 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 14 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 20 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 19 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 111 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 108 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 168 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)Im TH..., dispersing 136 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 189 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., dispersing 90 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 187 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 159 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT-Armada)BeWar..., destroying 167 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the (IPT)Here I come, destroying 1 combat drones.

(IPT-Armada)BeWare The Great One
Level 190 Battleship
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 13 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.

(IPT-Armada)Im THE BABY!
Level 190 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 11 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.

(IPT)Here I come
Level 150 Carrier
Launches 184 Combat drones at the S.H.S. Narwhal.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Light Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.
Fires a Light Torpedo at the S.H.S. Narwhal, but misses.


Qna [ Konsul ]

Chętnie wsiądę w warshipa, może być nawet battleship, chociaż wolałbym dessa ale dostosuje sie do potrzeb, chociaż z moim levelem to raczej poz battlem to wyboru nie mam. Mam 500M w banku, więc po3ebowałbym dofinansowania.


diabelek1 [ szczęśliwy ]

jestem 33lvl ale po wczorajszym podzie mam tylko jakies 200milionow na koncie, bez dofinansowania sie nie przesiade.


Prodi [ Legionista ]

wszyscy sie nie przesiada, bo kto bedzie dofinansowywal? :)


Qna [ Konsul ]

Sinic ---> i co dalej ?????


Droll [ Centurion ]

Mam tylko 380 milionów, ale 6tys tur wiec kasy sobie dorobic moge troche zanim zmienie statek. Powiedzcie tylko ile by tego trzeba było i jaki statek dla aligment +200 Derivian


Qna [ Konsul ]

Droll ----> jak bedziesz miał 2G to na pewno coś fajnego kupisz, a co to bedzie to okaze sie jak bedziesz mial kase. :)


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jak juz chyba zauwazyliscie zastawilem planete i 4 okoliczne sektory paczka dronow na aggressive. Jesli kogos lubicie to uprzedzcie ze pobyt w okolicy moze byc niezdrowy :)


Droll [ Centurion ]

Qna --> myślę na początek moze o lotniskowcu wiec mysle ze wystarczy mniejsza kwota


Sinic [ ]

Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 8 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 10 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 9 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 8 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 0 combat drones.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 3 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the TD - Tcomps BLOW, destroying 1 combat drones.

TD - Tcomps BLOW
Level 200 Carrier
Launches 169 Combat drones at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 1368 Shields.
Fires a Resonance Pulse Missile at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 0 Shields.
Fires a Resonance Pulse Missile at the S.H.S. Narwhal, dispersing 0 Shields.

D - Tcomps BLOW Zygorn
Carrier Sniv
Upgrades: 200 Level: 47
69/31 [Send Message]


Obaj ucieklismy i lecielismy obok siebie w sasiednim sektorze :P


darkomen2 [ Konsul ]

Sinic nastepny twoj strzal i bylo by po nim :)))


Qna [ Konsul ]

Jak wy robicie te rapporty ?


darkomen2 [ Konsul ]

Qna -- no jak to jak siadasz przy klawiaturce i piszesz co ci slina na jezyk przyniesie :PPP


Sinic [ ]

Oznajmiam ze nie jestesmy juz w stanie wojny z IPT
Czolgalem sie na kolanach i wyblagalem pokoj :P
A tak naprawde to maja swoje problemy i pody. I po pokazie naszej sily tez tej wojny nie chcieli ;)


Sinic [ ]

darkomen2 -->
Na dwoje babla wrozyla. Zdjal mi niemall polowe tarcz. W drugiej zdjal by mniej. W trzeciej jeszcze mniej. I ktos by chyba i tak uciekl. Ta walka nie byla do wygrania. Potrzebowalbym wiecej broni na drony lub dron. Ale jutro na niego zapolujemy z Bialym i go rozwalimy :P


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

mam nadziej ze IPT mimo wszystko nam pomoze, bo jezeli HOLY wezmie sie z a GC, Phoenix za nas, to bedzie ciezko:(


Dzikh [ Pretorianin ]

Sinic-->Dawałes coś w man. czy te uniki to tylko zasługa dużego lev?Bo walka wyglada ciekawie:)


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Qna>>Raport masz jesli kogos zaatakujesz ,przy obronie to widzisz chyba tylko ze cos jest zle(ja przynajmniej tak mialem)


KANGUR [ Pretorianin ]

Witam wszystkich,

Proszę Was o nie umieszczanie tu, na forum GOL-a, kluczowych dla sojuszu informacji, takich, jak projekty Waszych rzeczywistych statkow, planów rozwoju sojuszu.
Piszę o tym po rozmowie z Markiem@, który rozmawiał z kilkoma osobami z innych sojuszów - też Polakami. Dowiedzieli się oni o TDZK właśnie z GOL-a, a mając do niego - jak każdy użytkownik - swobodny dostęp mogą swobodnie infiltrować poczynania sojuszu.

Do takich celów powstało forum w grze.

Dziękuję za uwagę.


max07 [ Chor��y ]

Gryffin --> Podoba mi się, dzisiaj bądź jutro przesiadam się na niego. Dzięki.


Sinic [ ]

1) wczoraj kropka zostala zostawiona sama na wojnie
2) na warshipy siadaja ludzie od 50 lev i jest to obligatoryjne
3) nizsze lev robia exp do 50 lev i kase na warshipy
4) nikt nas nie bedzie szanowal za rozwalanie newbisow
5) jesli uda sie nam przezyc kilka walk z hunterami i zadac im jeszcze jakies straty, wtedy mozemy oczekiwac szacunku. Dopiero to swiadczy o umijetnosci walki, a nie rozwalanie bezbronnych. A na razie wszyscy nasi hunterzy gina w spotkaniu z hunterami przeciwnika, bo nie wiedza kiedy uciec. A to tez jest wbrew pozorom wazna umiejetnosc.
Wiec nikt nam nie bedzie patrzyl w ranking kills, jesli wie jak nas latwo rozwalac hunterom.


Sinic [ ]

Raport z walki jest zawsze, choc czesto, przy zbyt dlugiej walce, nie da sie uzyskac calego. Trzeba po prostu, najlepiej w porcie ;), przewinac strony przegladarki do tylu :)


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

Huh, wczoraj rozstawilem drony i dzis juz widze dwoch spodowanych...
04/11/03 01:56:51 EST
You destroyed Rasputin (6975).
04/10/03 22:31:35 EST
You destroyed Aaronn (357).

I w 25024 wisi scourge warrior lvl30. Dlaczego moje drony go nie atakuja?


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Sinic --> czekanie do lv 50 to przesadza. Zanim ludzie do takiego lv dojda moze byc juz po nas:( Dlatego uwazam, ze kazdy powyzej lv 30-35 pownien sie przesiasc. Po prostu, jezeli bedziemy mieli tyle warshipow, aby latac grupami po 5, to malo kto nam podskoczy. Szczegolnie, jezeli bedziemy mieli w zespole duzo emp, po pierwszej turze, jak ktos dostanie z 800 emp, to nawet uciec moze mu sie nie udac:), a co dopiero walczyc.

Co do wczorajszej wojny, to sytuacja byla taka, ze strzelalismy do sojusznika (friendly fire), ktory przylecial do nas, aby nam pomoc w walce z feniksami. Co bedzie dalej z IPT nie wiem. Jka na razie Licker sie nie odzwywa.

Sharky - a gdzie te drony?


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

Gryffin --> aggy drony (po 50 scout, compat i emp i 25 mine) w sektorach: 25003, 25022, 25023, 25024 i 25043 - czyli nad planeta i 4 sasiadujace sektory z nia. Zmienic na neutral?


Sinic [ ]

Gryffin -->
naszym sojusznikiem jest GC, o czym zdaje sie zapominasz. I to sojusznikiem pewnym i sprawdzonym. A IPT Armada przyleciala strzelac do Datera, a nie nam pomagac. POrozmawiaj sobie z Daterem lepiej. Ja wole jednego sprawdzonego sojusznika, niz kilku strzelajacych do nas i do siebie nawzajem.

Khem,khem, tak ponadto to zapraszamy na irc ;)


Sinic [ ]

04/10/03 18:58:49 EST from Zeron (296)
Are you implying that I would attack you? I am not the leader of Armada, I'm a co-leader of main. I do not wish to be a leader at all in a secondary alliance. I might as well be the leader though, I tell the leader what to do and such. I will have them send a PNAP to you as well as Silver Hoard. I already posted in their forumns, sorry about the problems.
Reply | Delete

04/10/03 18:27:09 EST from Zeron (296)
Eh, sorry (I wasnt the one who declared war). I was told you killed the two Armada members and thats why we declared war. Sorry about that, i'll make a post telling the stupid asses to not attack allies. They got what they deserved though.

Gryffin, to jst z wczorajszej rozmowy z sub IPT. PO tym jak sie wylogowales z irc


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

Sinic --> wczoraj IPT Armada przyleciala akurat nie na Datera, przynajmniej nie byl on ich głównym celem. Głownym celem ich przylotu, była odpowiedź na moją prośbę do Lickera o wsparcie.
Co do GC, zgadzam sie, sa naszym sojsuznikiem, ale do walki z Feniksami i Holy (ktorzy jak slyszlaem gotuja sie na GC) potrzbujemy wsparcia. Sami sobie z tymi dwoma ugrupowaniami nie poradzimy, nie ma na to szans:( Po prostu oni maja duzo planet, wiec i duzo dochodu, feniksy moga z dziennego odchodu sowich planet wystawic pewnie ze dwa mocne statki, a my jeden sredni.


Sharky [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jak ktos chce powalczyc ze scourgami to jest ich cala masa w 26...


bialy kot [ Konsul ]

Hehehe, mamy dessa na koncie :))

S.H.S. Narwhal
Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 14 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 13 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 16 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 17 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 10 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 18 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 107 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 111 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 110 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 107 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 125 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 147 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 152 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., but the -‹GsD›- Right to ... manages to evade.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 156 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 152 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 153 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 159 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 215 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 156 Shields.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 160 Combat drones at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., dispersing 644 Shields, and destroying 380 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 71 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 88 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 93 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 67 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 70 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 80 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 244 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 220 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 115 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 132 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 111 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 56 Armor.

Level 255 Destroyer
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 307 EMP damage. [Critical Hit]
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 80 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 91 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 85 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 114 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 72 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 87 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 79 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 90 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 87 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 74 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 101 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 107 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 100 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 115 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 1 Armor and dealing 111 EMP damage.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 75 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 56 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 72 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -‹GsD›- Right to ..., destroying 54 Armor.
-‹GsD›- Right to Rule explodes.

-‹GsD›- Right to Rule
Level 190 Destroyer
The field of debris is unable to return fire.



Dzikh [ Pretorianin ]

I to jeszcze z GsD,gratuluje:)


Sinic [ ]

A propos sotatniej walki.
Troche z dyskusji na irc.
1) nie jest istotne kto pierwszy naciska na atak. Ja mialem laga i jak mi sie strona otworzyla to bylo juz po walce. Jednak jak widac to ja wykonalem pierwszy atak. Wiec zalezy to od inicjatywy.
2) potrzebujemy mut def miedzy naszymi sojuszami. Jak dwie grupy, np SH i GC wykonaja examine i attack, too oczywiscie dwie wykonuja atak i walcza na zmiane. A w razie ataku na nas nie moze nam pomoc GC, czy tez SH kropce. Wiec atak mozemy wykonywac razem na def, a bronic sie tylko na def mut. Wiec takich paktow potrzebujemy wlasnie.


d333d333 [ Silber Kreuz ]

04/11/03 10:48:35 EST
Port Bastion destroyed BayRayGayHayPayLayMayNayWayDay, owned by Madox (55), in Sector 29194.

nie wierze wlasnym oczom :P


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

d333d333>>Jakiego masz nicka w grze?


Sinic [ ]

d333d333 -->
Wszyscy na irc sie zastanawiamy kim ty jestes w TDZK? :P
Jako kto latasz? :)


d333d333 [ Silber Kreuz ]

Wszyscy na irc sie zastanawiamy kim ty jestes w TDZK? :P

nooo nie robcie ze mnie batmana :P
calym sercem (khem khem :) jestem z hordami, ale latam w IPT (jeszcze od czasow kiedy nikt tu o tdzk nie slyszal :) jako PEST


Sinic [ ]

S.H.S. Narwhal
Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 15 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 10 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 17 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 18 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, but the Scourge Warrior manages to evade.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 12 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 106 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 110 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 106 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 109 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 189 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 302 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 168 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 207 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 10 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, but the Scourge Warrior manages to evade.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 148 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 129 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 153 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 147 Armor.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 150 Combat drones at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 750 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 76 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 68 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 72 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 57 Armor.
Scourge Warrior explodes.

Scourge Warrior
Level 400 Cruiser
The field of debris is unable to return fire.


Sinic [ ]

04/11/03 12:46:15 EST
darkfang (5411) piloting The Hawks Talons destroyed BayRayGayHayPayLayMayNayWayDay, owned by Madox (55), in Sector 29194

Madox mial dzis wyjatkowego pecha :P


Qna [ Konsul ]

Eeeee, no w tym wypadku to Madox musiał mieć laga. Nie wieżę, żeby dał sięzabić gościowi z numerem 5411.


Sinic [ ]

Nie wiem czy mial laga, ale podejrzewam ze lecial podem. Inaczej by uciekl. A musial pasc chyba po pierwszej salwie.


Qna [ Konsul ]

Gryffin---> co z tym przesiadaniem się na warshipy? Jak się postaram i wydam wszystkie pieniądze to wskoczę jutro na 35 lvl i kwalifikowałbym się na pilota warshipa tylkoże będę bez kasy, a mam projekt fajnego desa lvl.200 za 1.3G.


Sinic [ ]

S.H.S. Narwhal
Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 15 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 22 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 15 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 16 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 15 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 15 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, dispersing 114 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, destroying 125 Armor.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the Holy Pirate Galleon, destroying 87 Armor.
Holy Pirate Galleon explodes.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer

Holy Pirate Galleon
Level 160 Resourcer

Nasza para ma kolejnego killa, choc tym razem niezbyt okazaly.


Maurer [ Junior ]

UWAGA taki kolega stoi nad portem 25193
Scourge Guardian Leviathan L: 600 298/127
Scourge Guardian Scourge L: 50
a tacy nad portem 25153
Scourge Warrior Cruiser L:400 140/32
Scourge Warrior Scourge L: 30
Scourge Warrior Cruiser L:400 140/32
Scourge Warrior Scourge L: 30
Scourge Marauder Destroyer L: 500 277/42
Scourge Marauder Scourge L: 40
takie male info zeby uwazac i zeby hunterzy mieli zajecie :)


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

No niestety, troche sie tego talatajstwa namnozylo:( Niedlugo traderzy beda sie musieli od nas wyneisc, pewnie zaraz po tym jak zostanie zaimplementowana ai dla scourge. Na razie jest bezpiecznie, bo nie atakuja, tylko pytanie jak dlugo:(

Ten pierwszy nie powinien byc zbyt trudny dla 3 warshipow, pod warunkiem ze nikogo wiecej tam nie ma. W 153 juz gorzej, 3 moga nie wystarczyc.

Jakby co to dzis/jutro przesiadam sie na BB do huntowania, takze znowu wracam do walki:)


Qna [ Konsul ]

Ja bym chciał dociągnąc do 40 lvl zanim wsiądę w warshipa. No chyba, że sytuacja mnie zmusi to mogę nawet dzisiaj zrezygnować z "podróży w celach handlowych" :)


bialy kot [ Konsul ]

Moja walka ze Scourge Cruiserem:

Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 150 Combat drones at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 1500 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 89 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 11 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 243 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 79 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 68 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 76 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 95 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 63 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 148 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 151 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 103 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 105 Armor.

Scourge Warrior
Level 400 Cruiser
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 4 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 24 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 23 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 6 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 4 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 11 combat drones.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 6 combat drones.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 10 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 29 Combat drones at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 50 Shields, and destroying 120 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 73 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 83 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 67 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 94 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 42 Armor.
Scourge Warrior explodes.

Scourge Warrior
Level 400 Cruiser
The field of debris is unable to return fire.


bialy kot [ Konsul ]

I następna, był blisko...

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 150 Combat drones at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 1500 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 84 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 16 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 66 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 92 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 82 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 91 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 85 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 76 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 159 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 160 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 138 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 56 Armor.

Scourge Warrior
Level 400 Cruiser
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 4 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 6 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 3 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 9 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 8 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 4 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 28 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 8 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 7 combat drones.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 9 combat drones.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 11 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 2 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 1 combat drones.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.

Scourge Warrior
Level 400 Cruiser
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 3 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 5 combat drones.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 22 combat drones. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 54 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 90 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 68 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 39 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 54 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 47 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 49 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 79 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 90 Shields.
Fires a Plasma Ribbon Cannon at the S.H.S. Black Sun, dispersing 180 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 19 Armor.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 32 Armor.
Fires a Swarm Missile at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 27 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 106 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, but misses.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the S.H.S. Black Sun, destroying 68 Armor.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, dispersing 50 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 81 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 81 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 75 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 68 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 226 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 65 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the Scourge Warrior, destroying 9 Armor.
Scourge Warrior explodes.


Gryffin [ Entil'Zha ]

kolejna czesc -->


Sinic [ ]

S.H.S. Narwhal
Level 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 19 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 20 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 17 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 14 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 18 Shields.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 13 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 81 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 83 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 161 Shields. [Critical Hit]
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 81 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 79 Shields.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 81 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 161 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 112 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 94 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 105 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 105 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 157 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 129 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 142 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 102 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 163 Shields.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer
Launches 150 Combat drones at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 1500 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, dispersing 73 Shields.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 59 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 67 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 65 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 51 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 67 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 176 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Heavy Beam Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 63 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 64 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 88 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 100 Armor.
Fires a Heavy Torpedo at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 118 Armor.

Level 255 Destroyer
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 96 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, but the -=Deliverance=- manages to evade.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 117 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 118 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 70 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 85 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 80 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 80 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 120 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 71 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 78 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 98 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 79 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 98 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 82 EMP damage.
Fires a EMP Phase Disruptor at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 1 Armor and dealing 109 EMP damage.
Fires a Resonance Rift Missile at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 137 Armor.
Fires a Resonance Rift Missile at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 283 Armor. [Critical Hit]
Fires a Resonance Rift Missile at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 142 Armor.
Fires a Resonance Rift Missile at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 151 Armor.

Level 215 Battleship
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.
Attempts to fire a Swarm Missile, but malfunctions due to EMP damage.

el 235 Destroyer
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 19 Armor.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 14 Armor.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 21 Armor.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 17 Armor.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 22 Armor.
Fires a Cyclone Flak Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 15 Armor.
Fires a 120mm Sabot Cannon at the -=Deliverance=-, destroying 46 Armor.
-=Deliverance=- explodes.

S.H.S. Black Sun
Level 210 Destroyer

Level 255 Destroyer

Level 215 Battleship

-=Deliverance=- -=Saviour=-
Battleship Quelaar
Upgrades: 215 Level: 21
121/54 [Send Message]


Sanchin [ Konsul ]

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