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-= Warcraft ]I[ - czesc 19 =-


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

-= Warcraft ]I[ - czesc 19 =-

Hmm... nie moze byc tak, ze watek o takiej grze jak Warcraft ]I[ jest martwy. Czyzby nikt z bywalcow forum nie gral na bn? No coz, mam nadzieje, ze bedzie lepiej. Jesli watek o Diablo II dobrze sie trzyma, to z warcraftem nie powinno byc gorzej, a wrecz przeciwnie.

Moze grajacy na bn zamieszczaliby nazwy swoich kont, aby mozna bylo sie latwiej znalezc.

Pozwolilem sobie utworzyc czesc 19 mimo faktu, ze w czesci 18 zamieszczonych zostalo tylko 68 postow. Pomyslalem jednak, ze nie ma sensu podciagac tak zakurzonego watku i lepiej jest stworzyc nowy.

A wiec, gram jako SS-Mikael_Khan , raczej w dni powszednie popoludniami :)
Aha.. jesli ktos jest zorientowany - ile exp trzeba na niebieskiego smoka?


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]


Dobrze sie sklada ze odnowiles watek :) Po pierwsze dlatego ze znow wzielo mnie na war3 :) a po drugie wyszla beta dodatku. Mam nadzieje ze ktos sie jeszcze ze starej gwardii zglosi i pogramy znowu jak za dawnych czasow... Jak wrazenia ze zmian w becie?

Konto pod ktorym gralem to xenomorph9 ale juz dawno nie mialem stycznosci z gra wiec zalozylem nowe, dla treningu... Przerazenie ogarnia czasem na kogo mozna trafic w grach 2 v 2. Przyklad? Dzis bylem w druzynie z kolesiem ktory walil same footy nie budujac oltarza (czyli nie mial bohatera). Zapytalem sie go dlaczego tak robi to powiedzial: "hero blah" <-- lol :/


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Wisła zaraz odpadnie... o, już odpadła zrozgrywek :/

Ale wracając do tematu - moje konto na BN choć nowe, nazwę ma tę samą - Ainaval
Za to na GOLu zminiłem ksywkę jak widać :)

W jakieś MAZE chętnie zagram - na normalne rozgrywki RTSowe jakoś nie mam ochoty póki co...


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

To moze wejdziemy na BN na kanal GOL i pogadamy, ewentualnie zagramy w cos??


DOSARD [ Centurion ]

co prawda mam zjestem wsciekly bo wisla przegrala ale moje konto to WILD_A-DOSARD jak kotos cos chce to walic dzwiami i oknami :) a jesli chodzi o ikonki to nei liczy sie ilosc exp tylko winow dana rasa ewentualnei jesli chodzi o smoka to randomem :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke, ale we 2 z naszymi łączami to sobie nie pogramy w maze... ktoś ma możliwośći i jest gotów załozyć gre na w miarę przyzwoitym łączu (np. SDI)?


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

żeby nie było niedomówień i nieporozumień - potrzebny jest ktoś z zewnętrznym IP :)))


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ainaval ---> fakt :/

Mac ---> gdzie jestes? :P


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Luke --> Byc może będę mógł zagrać dzisiaj i jutro, ale to wielka niewiadoma:/


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Witam all. Widze ze watek znow padnie trupem... Moze korzystajac z okazji wkleje zmiany dotyczace bety dodatku.

Co nowego w War3: Frozen Throne?

A lot! There are a number of new units, Heroes, buildings, upgrades, and items, in addition to a number of exciting new enhancements and features. Here's a brief breakdown of the new additions:


Most spellcasters (Sorceress, Priest, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Necromancer, Banshee, Druid of the Talon) have been re-balanced and given new armor and weapon types. All of these casters, as well as Dryads, now have "Unarmored" type armor, which means they take additional damage from Piercing and Siege attacks. Additionally, all of these casters (but not Dryads) deal Magic damage, which works much like Piercing, except it does additional damage against Medium armor instead of Heavy armor.

Most advanced technology structures have had their build times reduced. This reduction ranges from 20 seconds for especially underused structures, to 10 seconds for less underused structures. For instance, the Slaughterhouse builds 20 seconds faster now, while the Arcane Sanctum build time was only reduced by 10 seconds.

Units can become ethereal in certain situations. Ethereal units can only be damaged by Magic attacks (from casters such as Sorceresses, Banshees, etc) and by spells. Ethereal units cannot attack, but can still cast spells.

Magic-immune units cannot be attacked by units with the Magic damage type, such as Sorceresses, Banshees, etc.

Gold bounties given for killing creeps have been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced, especially on lower-level creeps.

The gold costs of all units and buildings have been reduced by roughly 15%.

Auto-cast buffs have been rebalanced with new mana costs, and in some cases such as Curse, have been slightly upgraded.

Night Elf Ancients now have Heavy armor when uprooted.

Thunderclap slow duration and strength have been tweaked so that the slow effect lasts 5 seconds at all levels, and decreases attack speed and movement speed by 50% at all levels.

Entangling roots, ensnare, and other immobilizers no longer prevent units from town portaling.

Many more minor tweaks to units and abilities...



Blood Mage - Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Flame Strike, Banish, Mana Shield, and Mark of Fire. Attacks land and air units.

Flame Strike - Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.

Mana Shield - Surrounds the affected unit with a temporary shield that will absorb a set amount of magical or physical damage.

Banish - Turns a unit temporarily ethereal so that it cannot attack or be attacked physically. It may cast spells and have spells cast upon it, however.

Mark of Fire [Ultimate] - Sacrifices a target non-mechanical unit to create a Phoenix. This mythical bird's fiery wings will singe nearby air attackers. Immune to magic. Attacks land and air units.

Dragon Hawk - Swift flying unit, mounted by an Elven warrior. Has the Cloud ability. Attacks land and air units.

Cloud - Creates a small cloud that stops buildings with ranged attacks that are within it from attacking.

Spell Breaker - Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies. Initially has the Spell Immunity ability, which renders him immune to magic. Can also learn Spell Steal. Attacks land units.

Spell Immunity - The Spell Breaker is immune to all spells (exactly like the Dryad).

Spell Steal - Steals a positive buff from an enemy unit and applies it to a nearby friendly unit and/or removes a negative buff from a friendly units and applies it to an enemy unit. This is an auto-cast ability.

Arcane Vault - Creates a shop from which Heroes can purchase and sell items. The items available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and what buildings you have.

Research Rocket Tank - This upgrade changes Steam Tanks into War Engines, giving them a rocket-like attack versus air units. CURRENTLY NOT ACTIVE!


Warden - Cunning Hero, adept at entering and escaping combat. Can learn Blink, Fan of Knives, Shadow Strike and Spirit of Vengeance. Attacks land and air units.

Blink - Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat.

Fan of Knives - The Warden flings a flurry of knives at multiple enemy targets around her.

Shadow Strike - The Warden hurls a poisoned dagger with incredible force at a target enemy ground unit causing damage and temporarily slowing the target.

Spirit of Vengeance [Ultimate] - Creates a powerful fighting Spirit from the bodies of fallen allies. The strength of the Spirit of Vengeance is proportional to the number of fallen allies nearby. Immune to magic. Attacks land and air units.

Hippogryph Rider - This Archer mounted Hippogryph now has the ability to allow its rider to dismount.

Mountain Giant - Slow moving melee unit that can take incredible amounts of punishment. Has the Taunt and War Club abilities. Can learn Hardened Skin and Resistant Skin. Attacks land units.

Taunt - Causes nearby enemies to switch their attack to the Mountain Giant.

War Club - Gives the Mountain Giant a temporary siege enhanced attack.

Hardened Skin - Gives Mountain Giants increased resistance to attack damage.

Resistant Skin - Gives Mountain Giants increased resistance to spell damage

Faerie Dragon - Small quick flying unit, effective against enemy casters. Has the Phase Shift and Mana Flare abilities. Immune to magic. Attacks land and air units.

Phase Shift - Allows the Faerie Dragon to briefly turn ethereal, breaking targeting of enemy units. This is an auto-cast ability.

Mana Flare - Causes the Faerie Dragon to channel negative magical energies that damage nearby enemies when they cast spells.

All NE Ancients can now attack while rooted.

Ancient of Wonders - Creates a shop from which Heroes can purchase items. The items available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Tree of Life has (Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, or Tree of Eternity) and what buildings you have.

Cyclone - This spell is now dispellable.

Well Spring Upgrade - This upgrade increases Moon Well mana capacity and mana regeneration rate.

Enchanted Bears (temp name) Upgrade - This upgrade allows Druids of the Claw to cast Roar while in Bear Form

Enchanted Crows (temp name) Upgrade - Allows Druids of the Talon to cast Faerie Fire from Storm Crow Form.


Shadow Hunter - Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward and Big Bad Voodoo. Attacks land and air units.

Healing Wave - Calls forth a wave of energy that heals a target and bounces to nearby friendlies. Each bounce heals less damage.

Hex - Temporarily transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.

Serpent Ward - Summons an immobile serpentine ward to attack the Shadow Hunter's enemies. Attacks land and air units.

Big Bad Voodoo [Ultimate] - Turns all friendly units invulnerable in an area around the Shadow Hunter. The Shadow Hunter does not turn invulnerable.

Troll Batrider - Light flying unit with incredible eyesight. Good at destroying buildings. Has the Unstable Concoction ability, which allows the Troll Batrider to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemy air units. Can learn the Liquid Fire ability. Attacks land units.

Unstable Concoction - Causes a powerful explosion that deals damage to nearby enemy air units.

Liquid Fire - Flings a volatile liquid that causes buildings to take damage over time. Buildings that are currently taking damage from Liquid Fire cannot be repaired.

Spirit Walker - Tauren caster who can shift between the corporeal and spirit worlds. Can cast Spirit Link, Disenchant, and Ancestral Spirit.

Corporeal/Ethereal Form - Allows the Spirit Walker to morph between corporeal and ethereal form.

Ancestral Spirit - Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non-Hero Tauren.

Disenchant - Damages all summoned units in an area.

Spirit Link - Links the spirits of several friendly units together so that damage to one unit will be shared to some extent by all the units linked to it.

Reinforced Orc Burrow - Upgraded version of the Orc Burrow with greater hit points and greater defenses.

Voodoo Lounge - Creates a shop from which Heroes can purchase items. The items available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and what buildings you have.

Troll Berserker - Troll Headhunters may now be upgraded into Troll Berserkers, which are tougher and have the Berserk ability. Can learn Troll Regeneration.

Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster movement and attack rate; however, they will also take more damage from attacks.

Ensnare - This ability is no longer dispellable, and it can target magic-immune units.

Wind Walk - If the Blademaster attacks a unit to break invisibility, he will deal bonus damage.


Crypt Lord - Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm. Attacks land units.

Impale - The Crypt Lord impales a target enemy unit, then flings it into the air. When the impaled unit hits the ground, it is stunned.

Spiked Carapace - The Crypt Lord forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increase its defense and return damage to enemy melee attackers.

Carrion Beetles - Progenerates a Carrion Beetle from a target corpse. At higher levels of the spell's proficiency, these Beetles can burrow into the ground to hide from enemies. While they are burrowed, they cannot attack.

Locust Swarm [Ultimate] - Summons a swarm of locusts that attack nearby enemies and restore hit points to the Crypt Lord commensurate with the damage the locusts inflict.

Obsidian Statue - Fortified statue with an aura that causes nearby wounded friendly Undead units to regenerate hit points at a faster rate. Can cast Absorb Mana and Replenish Mana. The benefits of its aura can be enhanced through research. Can also research Sphinx Form.

Aura of Blight - Regenerative aura that only affects friendly Undead units. This effect does not stack with other statues or with Blight.

Absorb Mana - Drains a target owned unit of mana. All mana stolen will fill the Statue's mana pool.

Replenish Mana - Replenish the mana of a target friendly unit. This is an auto-cast ability.

Sphinx Form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units.

Black Sphinx - Large flying unit with powerful anti-caster abilities. Can cast Devour Mana and Orb of Annihilation. Attacks land and air units.

Devour Magic - Dispels units of all magic buffs within an area. Every buff dispelled will be converted into hit points and mana for the Black Sphinx. This spell will also deal damage to summoned units in the area of effect.

Orb of Annihilation - Gives the Sphinx a more powerful attack that delivers splash damage. This is an auto-cast ability.

Tomb of Relics - Creates a shop from which Heroes can purchase items. The items available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis, Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and what buildings you have.

Crypt Fiend - This unit may now learn the Burrow ability.

Burrow (Crypt Fiend/Carrion Beetle) - Allows Crypt Fiends to burrow into the ground, become invisible, and regenerate hit points at a faster rate. While burrowed, Crypt Fiends cannot attack.

Web - This ability is no longer dispellable, and it can target magic-immune units.

Skeletal Mage - A unit summoned by the Raise Dead spell once Skeletal Mastery has been researched. Like Skeleton Warriors, Skeletal Mages can benefit from Skeletal Longevity.

Upgrade Aura of Blight - Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration.

Exhume Corpses Upgrade - This upgrade allows Meat Wagons to generate corpses like a Graveyard. A new corpse is generated every X seconds and is placed inside their cargo. CURRENTLY NOT ACTIVE.

HERO Dark Ranger - Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Silence, Black Arrow, Life Drain, and Charm. Attacks land and air units.

Silence - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for a short duration.

Black Arrow - Adds extra damage to attacks. Enemy ground units killed while under the effect of Black Arrow will turn into skeletons.

Life Drain - Channeling spell that siphons health from the target to the Dark Ranger for a period of time or until the affected unit moves out of range. Dispel does not affect the spell.

Charm [Ultimate] - Takes control of a target enemy unit. Charm cannot be used on Heroes, or on creeps who are too powerful.

Marketplace - A store for purchasing goods. As creeps are killed, whatever items they drop will simultaneously stock this store.

Goblin Shipyard - Sells boats.

Tavern - Allows you to hire various Heroes.

AMM Search Improvements - Now when searching for anonymous opponents for AMM games, you can chat in the chatroom. Additionally, a "Quick Game" option has been added that will immediately start a game using the settings from your previous game.

In-Game Reply - While in a game you can now "/r " individuals who message you from

Clan Support - UI support for clans is now available on Please visit the Beta site for further information on how to create clans and manage clans.

Allied Team Colors - The "Minimap Ally Colors" button now toggles units in the minimap AND IN THE world view to appear colored according to alliance. Player is white on minimap (Blue in world view), allies are Teal on minimap and in world view, and enemies are red on the minimap and in the world view. Creeps appear black in this mode.

Dark Mask Creep Indicator - Creep locations are now visible through the minimap in the form of a glowing icon. This icon indicates a creep camp's threat level as easy (small-sized icon) or challenging (large-sized icon).

Health Bars - Holding down the "Alt" key will display health bars above all units on the screen. Holding down the "[" will display friendly health bars where the "]" key will display enemy health bars.

Queued Research/Upgrades - You can now queue multiple upgrades as well as units simultaneously from buildings, provided there are available resources.

Research/Upgrade Complete Messages - The text messages that appear when research or an upgrade is completed now tell you specifically what was completed.

Inherited Follow - When following a friendly unit, following units now inherit the order of the leader. For example, units following an attacking Hero will also attack along with the Hero.

Improved Defeat Conditions - Defeat conditions now greatly reduce the frustration caused by "hide the farm" tactics.

Town Portal Improvements - Players can now more accurately control where they arrive when they use a Scroll of Town Portal by clicking on a specific location in the world view within limited range of the town hall they are teleporting to. Additionally, double-clicking on a Scroll of Town Portal will send your affected units to the nearest, player-owned town hall on the map. In the case that the player has no town halls, the units will be taken to the highest technology allied players town hall.

Rally Point to Hero Icon Feature - You can now select a unit-producing building and right click on a Hero icon along the left side of the screen to assign the rally point to that Hero.

Building Control Groups - Buildings are now supported in control and subgroups the same way units are.

Handicaps - We now have handicaps in the game allowing players to set themselves at a disadvantage if they so choose. This reduces the maximum hit points for the affected players units to the chosen percentage. So, for example, a player setting his handicap to 60% will have units with maximum hit point values 60% the normal value.

Occupied Display (Bunkers) - These structures now display "occupied" graphics above them when a unit is inside.

Improved Waypoints - Waypoints are now graphically represented much more clearly. A small flag is placed at each waypoint. Additionally, several buildings can be way-pointed for construction by a single worker unit, although you must have the available resources for each building.

Construction Site Indicators - A transparent building appears at the construction site of placed buildings indicating that a building is going to be constructed there.


Various Global Changes:
- Gold bounties given for killing creeps have been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced, especially on lower-level creeps. We made this change because players were creeping to the exclusion of other major strategies such as pure teching and rushing.
- In conjunction with this change, we have reduced the gold cost of all buildings and units besides Altars, Farms and Barracks equivalents by 15%. This was done to preserve the overall game speed, while allowing players the ability to switch around their technology choices in the late game a bit more.
- Low-level creeps (6-) now behave differently. They prefer to attack the first thing they see now, as opposed to the previous behavior, which caused them to prefer to NOT attack heroes. This makes creeping more difficult for some heroes, and easier for others. Additionally, this means that you can no longer control creeping routes with solo creeping heroes activating creeps on their opponents.
The items system has been revamped. Items used to be levels 1-10 with most item levels having one general type of item, such as usable items, tomes, etc. There were a total of 10 levels of items.
The new system has 8 levels of items, and multiple categories. Items are classified as permanent items, charged items, powerups or artifacts. Item drops have both a level and a category. For instance, one particular camp might drop level 3 charged items, while another might drop level 3 permanent items.
Permanent items are items that give passive or reusable abilities. Orb of Fire, Ring of Protection +3, and Staff of Teleportation are permanent items.
Charged items are items with limited uses. Wand of the Wind, Stone Idol, and Crystal Ball are charged items.
Artifacts are any exceptionally powerful items, namely items of level 7 or higher. Mask of Death and Claws of Attack +15 are Artifacts.
Powerups are items that give you an immediate benefit when you pick them up. Tomes have always been intended as powerups, but have only recently been implemented that way. It is quite possible that we will add new types of powerups during the beta.
Additionally, we have made a number of minor changes to items to improve overall balance, and have tweaked the relative levels of items as well. For instance, Belts of Giant Strength +6 and Boots of Quel’Thalas +6 are now much lower level than before, because we felt they were not nearly as strong as their old level expressed.

New Armor and Weapon Types:
Information on new damage types is available at:
All of these changes are related to spellcasters.

Spellcaster Rebalance:
Most spellcasters (Sorceress, Priest, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Necromancer, Banshee, Druid of the Talon) have been re-balanced. In general, units with piercing damage rip up spellcasters, while basic melee units, such as ghouls or footmen, are weak against spellcasters. The specific changes to the units in question are:
- As mentioned in the new armor and weapon types entry, they have a new armor type, “unarmored”, which takes bonus damage from siege and piercing attacks.
- They also have a new damage type, “magic”, which does reduced damage to fortified and hero armor, but does bonus damage against medium armor.
- They had their damage adjusted, typically downwards.
- They no longer gain damage as they go up in level, and gain less hitpoints as they go up in level (but start with more hitpoints when initially built)
- Many autocast buffs and debuffs have been rebalanced at a lower cost, or increased power.
Advanced Structures:
Most advanced technology structures had their build times reduced. This reduction ranged from 20 seconds for especially underused structures, to 10 seconds for less underused structures. For instance, the Slaughterhouse builds 20 seconds faster now, while the Arcane Sanctum build time was only reduced 10 seconds.

Magic Immune and Ethereal Units:
Magic-Immune units can now be affected by certain abilities (see below under “Spells and Abilities”). Additionally, units with “magic” damage type can no longer hit magic-immune units.
Units can become ethereal in certain situations. Ethereal units can only be damaged by Magic attacks (from casters such as Sorceresses, Banshees, etc) and by spells. Ethereal units cannot attack, but can still cast spells.

Spells and Abilities:
We have improved the spells and abilities system of Warcraft 3 in a number of ways.
The least significant change is that all direct-damage spells that do not affect buildings, no longer affect mechanical units. This was done to make siege units harder to counter.
The more significant change was a reworking of how spells and abilities interact with magic immunity.
Spells now come in three varieties: Physical, Magical and Universal.
Physical spells cannot be dispelled, do affect magic immune units and normal units, and do not affect ethereal units.
Magical spells can be dispelled by normal dispels, do not affect magic-immune units, and affect ethereal units and normal units.
Universal spells can work against anything, and cannot be dispelled. They include ultimates and healing spells. The universal designation was added for two reasons. First, players accurately noted that it feels unsatisfying when an ultimate does nothing, so we now ensure that this is less likely to happen. Secondly, it was odd that magic immunity was discouraging unit mixing, when every other unit in the game encourages it. By allowing heals to interact with them, we are encouraging unit mixing. We also felt that every unit should be able to be healed or repaired.

Physical spell Examples:
- Poison of various types (NOT shadowstrike)
- Ensnare & Web
- Critical Strike/Bash/other attack buffers
- Disease
Magical Spell Examples:
- Stormbolt
- Carrion Swarm
- Bloodlust
- Polymorph
Universal Spell Examples:
- Heals (besides rejuvenation the bear spell, which is magical)
- Ultimates
- Auras

We have removed Wand of Negation from the game in order to encourage the use of several powerful abilities such as skeletons, frost armor, force of nature, etc. In conjunction with this, every race has at least one additional anti-caster ability or item.

We have removed the Gem of True seeing from the Goblin Merchant, and added Dust of Appearance, a charged reveal item, to several racial shops and the Goblin Merchant. This change was made to increase the usefulness of invisibility in general.

Poison now stacks, though only from differing units. Example: If 1 unit is attacking a target with poison that does 5 damage a second, the unit takes 5 damage a second from poison as long as it is poisoned. Multiple attacks from the same unit do not increase this. If 2 units attack a target, and they posses a poison attack that gives 5 damage a second, the target takes 10 damage a second.
This change affects Dryad poison, Wyvern poison, and the liquid fire ability of Batriders.
We made this change so that players are less discouraged from using focus fire in combat situations.
Note that we adjusted the damage values of Wyvern poison to balance it for this new functionality. It now does 3 damage a second, down from the old value of 8. It also lasts 25 seconds now.

Flying Units:
Flying units can now cluster much like fliers in Starcraft. However, they will prefer to disperse when possible. The goal of this change was to make flying units handle more easily and be more fun to control.
Among other things, this makes it much easier to use melee flying units against other flying units. As a result, air-to-air combat has been rebalanced somewhat.

- Bloodlust cost reduced from 50 mana to 40 mana.
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor.
- Raider Ensnare lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown of 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Bladestorm cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 4 minutes.
- Killing a unit that triggers the reincarnation ability does not give experience. If you kill one of these units “for good” it does give experience, however.

- The bug that caused Heal to autocast significantly slower than manual cast has been fixed -- Autocast Heal is approximately 65% better now.
- Inner Fire cost increased to 35, from 25.
- Slow duration vs heroes reduced to 10 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Thunderclap debuff is 50% at all levels, and lasts 5/3 at all levels.
- Cannon Towers no longer have minimum range

- Curse now causes a 33% chance to miss, up from 25%.
- Curse now lasts 2 minutes, up from 1 minute.
- Web lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown of 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Carrion Swarm no longer hits wards.
- Boneyard cost reduced to 250/100 from 350/125.
- Acolytes now have 220 health, up from 180.
- Necropolis cost reduced to 300 gold, down from 350 gold.
- Gargoyle stone form cooldown has been modified. Gargoyles can always leave stone form, but they must wait 30 seconds before returning to it a second time.
- Carrion Swarm max damage increased to 375/700/1000 from 300/550/800.

Night Elves:
- Owl Scout properly dispelable by all dispel types such as purge, etc.
- Abolish Magic now properly dispels AMS and friendly/neutral wards on command.
- Cyclone duration on units increased from 10 to 20.
- Faerie fire cost reduced to 40 from 75.
- Chimera Roost cost reduced to 230/70 from 280/100
- Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming heavy armor units.
- Dryads now have the “unarmored” armor type. This change was made to further specialize Dryads as “melee killers”, but allow piercing damage units, such as crypt fiends and archers, to counter them more effectively.
- Demon Hunters can mana burn each other once again.
- Ancients attack while rooted.
- Entangle now interrupts channel spells such as Starfall, Blizzard, etc (*** or rather, will do so in the next beta patch)
- Cyclone can now be dispelled

Item Changes:
- Potion of Restoration now heals 500 health and 200 mana, rather than fully replenishing a hero’s health and mana.
- Scroll of Restoration now heals 300 health and 150 mana, rather than fully replenishing all targets health and mana.
- Some potions now have cooldowns. Cooldowns are listed next to the following potions: Restoration – 40 sec, Healing – 20 sec, Mana – 20 sec, Greater Healing – 40 sec, Greater Mana – 40 sec, Health Stone – 40 sec, Mana Stone – 40 sec.
- Tome of Experience is now of the same level as tome of agility +2, etc.
- Ankh of Reincarnation no longer fully restores a slain hero. Instead, it restores them to 500 health, and restores their mana to the same value it was at when they died.
- Scroll of protection cost reduced to 150

OCZYWISCIE WYSZEDL JUZ PATCH 301 (i szykuja sie kolejne - w koncu to beta ;))

- Several Clan related message improvements.
- Several minor button and art related fixes.


Human Changes:
- Flamestrike area of effect no longer increases with level.
- Flamestrike initial damage decreased. It now does 45/75/105 damage per
second down from 70/105/135.
- Arcane Vaults can now stock an inventory of up to 3 Ivory Towers. They
also restock towers much more quickly (30 sec down from 120 sec), and
charge 70 gold for them, down from 80.
- Dragon Hawks now deal piercing damage and have heavy armor.
- Dragon Hawk cost increased by 50% (Food, lumber, gold)
- Dragon Hawks now have 650 hitpoints.
- Dragon Hawks now deal 21-26 damage, and attack 12% more slowly. (Cooldown
increased to 1.7 from 1.5).
- Banish is no longer auto-dispelled by dryads

Undead Changes:
- Obsidian Statue and Black Sphinx both now have 400 mana. Obsidian Statues
previously had 750 mana and Black Sphinxes previously had 300 mana.
- Obsidian statue mana regen increased to 4/sec from 3/sec.
- Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 25 from 20.
- Carrion swarm max damage increased to 375/700/1000 from 300/550/800.

Orc Changes:
- Spirit Walkers now have 150 less hitpoints in ethereal form than in
corporeal form.
- Spirit walkers are now called “Spirit walkers” regardless of their current
mode (ethereal vs corporeal)
- Spirit Link now lasts 75 seconds, up from 45 seconds.
- Orb of Lightning damage bonus reduced to 6 from 12.
- Orb of Lightning now procs 50% of the time on summoned units, and 35% of
the time on units, up from 35% and 25% respectively.

Night Elf Changes:
- Blink cooldown is now 10/10/1 by level, and Blink mana cost is now 50/10/10
by level.
- Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard.
- Fan of Knives maximum damage decreased to 450/825/1200.
- Fan of Knives now costs 110 mana up from 100 mana.
- Faerie Dragons now do piercing damage.
- Taunt no longer affects units that are casting spells or units that are
repairing something.

Item Changes:
- Sobi mask no longer sold at goblin merchant.
- Boots of Speed now sold at the goblin merchant for the low, low price of
100 gold.
- Dust of Appearance cost reduced to 75 from 200, but number of uses reduced
to 2 from 3.
- Items now sell for 75% of their base price rather than 50%.
Changes to Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes:
- Transport ship hitpoints upgraded to 1500 from 600.
- Silence now costs 75 mana regardless of level, and has a cooldown of 15
seconds regardless of level.
- Silence Area of Effect is now 150/250/350 by level.
- Silence duration is now: Units(Heroes) by level: 16(8)/20(10)/24(12)

- All races now have a backpack upgrade on their town hall equivalent.
This upgrade gives units the ability to carry items. It currently costs

Z tego co widze duzo osob na forum beta-testerow bety skarzy sie na jednostki powietrzne, ze jest ich za duzo i sa za silne (orkowy Batrider np...) Niektorzy nawet pisza ze to juz nie Warcraft ale Aircraft :) Mysle ze nie ma sie jednak czego obawiac - po to Ci ludzie to testuja zeby w finalnym produkcie nie bylo juz takich niedorobek. Oczywiscie nie sadze zeby Blizz wyrzucil te jednostki powietrzne z dodatku ale pewnie je oslabia. Teraz jest tak ze nie tylko sa bardzo dobre w walce ale maja tez bardzo ciekawe zdolnosci.


Kalten [ Centurion ]

Juz sie nie moge doczekac. Ciekawe czy bedzie mozliwosc zagrania w bete dodatku tak jak to bylo z podstawka zanim sie ukazala? ;)


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Kalten ---> podobno bedzie i to juz niedlugo :P

Ktos jest zainteresowany partyjka dzis wieczorkiem o 20tej na kanale GOL?


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Jak bede mial neta to na 100% zjawie sie ,konto LamaCorrection badz inne.


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Heej. Fajnie ze kontynujecie watek ! Ja gram caly czas bo jestem w klanie :P
Moje konto to malff_RHS. Wlasnie ide na BN bo mamy turniej klanowy :O
Dzisiaj bede caly dzien grac, pewnie sie spotkamy...
Beta juz jest chyba 3 dni, na mozna sie wieele dowiedziec !
To spadam na BN...

ps. Spell Breakerzy R.O.X !!! :-) Warcraft tez ! :-)


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Nikt wiecej nie chce zagrac? :/

Co do nowych jednostek - o latajkach juz wspomnialem. Spell Breakerzy wcale nie rox z prostego powodu - podobno w becie malo kto uzywa czarow wspomagajacych (zmieniono zbroje i obrazenia czarodziei - nie masakruja juz jednostek 3go poziomu). Elfowe Gorskie Olbrzymy sa podobno przegiete... Ciekawe triki sa z nowymi umiejetnosciami orkow (linkowanie zycia kilku jednostek, wskrzeszanie Taurenow...). Jak bym sobie pogral w bete... :P


Half-org [ Pretorianin ]

Lok Tar Rogal wojownicy !!! Powracam by zmiesc zlo ktore powrocilo do naszej wspanialej krainy !!! Jam jest Durondal ojciec Thralla. Jesli jakis pomiot chcialby spowrotem sie zmierzyc z potega naszej armi zapraszam na kanal Gol ktory jeszcze istnieje :) o 21 00 !!!


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Luke --> Moja obecność jest pod dużym znakiem zapytania, bo mam gorączkę 39 stopni i 10 minut pobytu poza łóżkiem sprawia, że czuję się jakby jakiś ork chuchnął mi przed chwilą prosto w nos;(((((((

P.S. Za co masz bana??

half-org --> Doranakal! Tych zielonych chodzących odpadków nie można nazwać armią, zwłaszcza w porównaniu z potęgą mrocznych elfów. Ha!


Ścierwopluj [ Konsul ]

W Warcrafta to na BN doszedłem do 4 stopnia cały czas grałem Elfami, a czasami tak ładnie sie wygrywało, tak szybko w pięknym stylu, a raz najechało mnie z 100 kościotrópków i tak w pieknym stylu przegrałem, i teraz sam nie wiem czy te zwycięstwa zalęzą od dobrych graczy w drużynie czy od własnych umiejętności...


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Mac ---> bardzo przyktro mi to slyszec :/ Moze w takim razie w niedziele jakos dasz rade? A bana dostalem w wateku o Metal Slug'u - poszukaj...

All ---> mam nadzieje ktos sie jeszcze na GOLu pojawi - jutro albo pojutrze. Dzis byl TRKM i malff (strasznie lagowal i w koncu nie zagral) no i oczywiscie hua... tzn Half-org :P (tylko tez lagi nie daly Mu grac)


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Ja tak ja kwczoraj jak bede miec net to po 20 wejde na BN
PS. Wczoraj mnie nie bylo bo juz od 3 dni zawsze po 18 nie mam neta az do rana ,mam nadzieje ze od dzis to sie zmieni.


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Ja bede dzis ok 23.15-23.20 (jesli kogos to interesuje :P). Zapraszam...


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Ja tez dzisiaj bede po 23...
To moze zrobimy liste z nickami z forum i BN ?

Pasciak/malff_RHS albo Spell-BreakerPL :-P


picuś [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jeśli ktoś może teraz wejść na BN to zapraszam :) .


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Fajnie bylo. Dzieki.
Lece spac...


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Hi HO! :)

Ja na razie nie pojawie sie na BN, ale chetnie "pokibicuje" w tym watku :)

Mac => uwazaj, zadzierajac z Half-org'iem, wiesz jak to bywa, lataja potem rozne "elfie szmaty" itd ;-DDD
chociaz... on the other hand... Elfi walec moze szmate rozjechac ;)


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Witam. Jesli ktos ma ochote dzis zagrac to zapraszam o 20tej na GOLa


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]



- "Your CD key is already in use." message now displays appropriately when
connecting to with an already active key.
- Fixed an issue with transports that allowed players to instantly teleport
units to any location on the map.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when morphing a buffed unit when "Spell
Detail" was set to Low or Medium.
- Sleep is temporarily making units sleep for .5 seconds. This will be
fixed in the next patch.

- (4)HailStone: Adjusted a couple creep camp locations & strength.
- (4)IceFlow: Slightly reduced an item drop.
- (4)TurtleRock: Slightly adjusted creep location.
- (4)Whirlwind: Slightly adjusted creep location.
- (6)StranglethornVale: Adjusted an item drop.

Human Changes:
- War Engine, formerly known as the Rocket Tank upgrade, now costs
150/50, down from 200/50.
- Dragon Hawks now benefit from the steel weapons upgrade.
- Dragon Hawks are now built at the Gryphon Aviary.
- Dragon Hawk build time reduced to 45 from 65.
- Flame Strike now costs 125 mana, up from 80 mana.
- Flame Strike area is now 200, down from 250.
- Flame Strike secondary DoT lasts 6 seconds, up from 4 seconds, but also
does 33% less damage per second.
- Flame Strike cooldown is now 10, down from 13.
- Banish cooldown increased to 10, up from 6.
- Banish durations modified to non-Hero(Hero): 12(5) / 24(6) / 36(7), from 8(6)
/ 16(7) / 24(8).
- Banished units can no longer cast spells.
- Arcane Vault cost increased to 130/30 from 70/30.
Undead Changes:
- Locust Swarm damage reduced by 50%, but life transfer rate doubled.
- Impale now does 100/200/300 damage a level, down from 120/240/360 damage
per level. It also no longer stuns, beyond the fact that impaled units
are in the air for a while and lose any channel spell they are casting.
- Obsidian Statues now regenerate .5 mana per second, down from 4 mana per
second. They are now similar to a slightly improved Moon Well for mana
- Obsidian Statues are now 2 food, down from 3.
- Obsidian Statue cost reduced from 215/50 to 200/35.
- Black Sphinx hit points reduced to 800 from 1000.
- Black Sphinx cost increased to 100/50 from 85/35.
- Tomb of Relics cost increased to 130/30 from 70/30.
- Devour Magic range increased to 600 from 500.
- Spirit Towers no longer require a Graveyard to be built.
- Spirit Tower gold cost increased to 145 from 135.

Orc Changes:
- Spirit Walkers have an attack range of 400, up from 250.
- Spirit Walkers now start in corporeal mode, and can enter ethereal mode
as a defense. When Spirit Walkers leave ethereal mode, they cannot
become ethereal again for 30 seconds.
- Ethereal Spirit Walkers can no longer cast spells.
- Troll Batrider's Unstable Concoction now does 750 damage to the unit it attacks
(up from 500), and 100 damage to surrounding units (down from 200).
Additionally, its splash radius is now 200, down from 300.
- Batriders now have 400 hit points, down from 500 hit points.
- Batrider range is now 300, down from 550.
- Liquid Fire damage per second is now 10/sec, down from 25/sec.
- Wind Walk now has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
- Wind Walk costs 75 mana at all levels (changed from 100/75/25).
- War Mill now takes 70 seconds to build, up from 60.
- Watch Towers now take 65 seconds to build, up from 55.
- Voodoo Lounge cost increased to 130/30 from 70/30
- Hex duration is now 24 seconds on units, up from 15.
- Hex cooldown reduced from 17/13/9 to 14/11/8.
- Attacking while under the effect of Healing Salve removes the effect.

Night Elf Changes:
- Spirit of Vengeance now has Resistant Skin, which renders it immune to
Kodo Beast Devour, among other things.
- Mana Flare can only hit 1 target per 1.5 seconds. Previously, Mana Flare
could hit an infinite number of targets.
- Mana Flare now costs 50 mana to cast, down from 100.
- Phase Shift now has a cooldown of 6.5 seconds, up from 3.5 seconds. Its
duration has also changed and is now 1.5 seconds, down from 2 seconds.
- Phase Shift no longer turns Faerie Dragons ethereal--instead, they are
temporarily removed from the game, and reappear a short time later.
This still causes attackers to switch targets, and causes any projectiles
en route to a Faerie Dragon to miss.
- Faerie Dragons can no longer use Phase Shift when casting Mana Flare.
- Phase Shift no longer dispels Web and Ensnare.
- Enchanted Bears and Enchanted Crows now cost 100/50 to research, down
from 150/75. They also take only 20 seconds to research, down from 30.
- Ancient of Wonders cost increased to 90/30 from 40/30.
- Ancient of Wonders attack increased from 1d3 + 12 to 1d5 + 20.
- Ancient of Wonders hit points increased to 550 from 500.
- Blink can no longer escape Entangling Roots and other immobilizers.
- Mountain Giants will now use the 'War Club' ability when you right-click
on a tree with them.

Item Changes:
- Boots of Speed now give a 60 movement speed boost, up from 40. They are
also a level-2 item now (up from 1), and cost 150 gold (up from 100).
- Tome of Power is once again in the game as a level-8 artifact. However,
it has been reworked. It now gives you a level's worth of experience,
rather than just promoting your Hero to the next level up.
- All player shop Orbs give a +5 damage bonus now, down from +6 in most
cases (+9 in the case of Orb of Venom).
- Orb of Venom poison damage per sec increased to 6/sec from 5/sec.
- Claws of Attack +9 no longer sold on Goblin Merchant.
- Circlet of Nobility now sold on Goblin Merchant for the low, low price
of 125 gold.
- Ring of Regeneration is now a level-3 item (up from 2).
- Sobi Mask is now a level-4 item (up from 3).
- Potion of Omniscience no longer drops in multiplayer games.
- Staff of Teleportation is now available at the first nightfall, as
opposed to dawn of the second day.
- Periapt of Vitality now costs 350, down from 400.
- Tiny Great Hall gold cost increased to 600 from 450.

- All normal spellcaster upgrades (i.e., adept and mastery) now cost
100 at first level, and 200/50 at second level.
- Summonables give 1/2 the experience they used to when killed. Powerful
summonables such as water elementals and the Spirit of Vengeance have been
increased in level to preserve their old values, while small summonables
such as skeletons have been left as level 1.
- You can now buy neutral Hero for free if it is your first Hero.
- Life Drain now costs 75 mana to cast.
- Life Drain now deals 20/35/50 damage per second by level, down from
- Charm cooldown increased to 45 seconds, up from 30 seconds.
- Becoming ethereal now makes a unit unable to cast spells.
- Backpack upgrades now take 20 seconds to research, down from 75.
- Magic damage does 100% damage to Unarmored now, up from 50%.
- Magic damage does 50% damage to Heroes now, up from 40%.
- Item sell price reduced to 50% of base price (down from 75%).
- Instant revive now costs 2.5x the Hero's base revive price, up from 2x.
- Level-10 Dragons are once again magic immune.


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Zapraszam do komentowania :)

Ja, jako gracz "ludzmi" moge powiedziec tylko jedno - mam nadzieje ze na Blizzarda spadnie epidemia grypy :((( Human jest do BANI!


Kalten [ Centurion ]

Zawsze byli do bani. ;P


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Kalten => chyba od ludzi nigdy w.... wycisku nie dostales :PPP

co do beta testow, to podobno blizz mial zwiekszyc liczbe testerow o polowe, ktos z Was sie zglosil? No i wiem, ze ponoc w usa mial gdzies powstac "nieoficjalny" serwer do bety. Nieoficjalny, czyli nie potrzeba kodu, ale nie ma tez laddera...


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Trudno ocenic to bez grania.
Wiecie moze czy ciagle jest tak ze budynki elfow bija sie nawet gdy nie sa wykopane?


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Kalten --> Twoje Taureny juz zapomnialy jak im moje Gryfy przylozyly?? :D

a.i.n... --> Blizz zwiekszyl liczbe o kolejne 10.000 Niestety jesli wczesniej sie nie zglosiles jako chetny do testowania to teraz jest juz za pozno :( Co do serwera - to owszem, jest i dziala... na razie bez laddera.


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Widze ze coraz wiecej ludzi zajrzalo do watku - moze partyjke? (Nawet bety :))

Miniu ---> owszem, bija sie dalej niewykorzenione...


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

- War Engine, formerly known as the Rocket Tank upgrade, now costs
150/50, down from 200/50.
Czolgi strzelaja ? Rakietami ? Do czego ? :-O
Ja mysle o zmienie rasy ale niemoge sie zdecydowac :|
Humanem juz mi sie troche przejadlo granie... Jedyne co mnie przyciaga do niego to Spell Breakerzy w becie... ;)
Orki ? Sam niewiem... Moglby by byc ale ten nowy heros jakis takis sredni, sam niewiem... Najbardziej pasowaly by mi elfy bo maja fajnych herosow, uniwersalne jednostki (lowczynie, driady) a w FT tez zapowiadaja sie ciekawie tylko ze nimi gra najwiecej osob =o
Najchetniej gralbym randomem ale gdybym mial pewnosc ze niewypadna mi UD bo nimi grac niechce.


Kalten [ Centurion ]

Xenomorph --> Hyhy, pamietaja, pamietaja. Szykuja straszliwa zemste. Niech no tylko dopadna te twoje ludziki. ;DD


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Ja zmienie rase, jak w koncu skoncze kampanie singlowa hehe, czas by sprobowac elfow kiedys :)

Luke => hah, wlasnie przejrzalem topic o Metal Slug'u - hehehe ;)
A idac za Twoim przykladem zrobilem sobie sig'a :)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Xenomorph --> Po wczorajszej rozgrywce dochodzę do 2 wniosków:

1.Zupełnie zapomniałem jak się w to gra.
2.Wewnętrzny ogień jest w dalszym ciągu najbardziej przesadzoną umiejętnością w grze i nie będę miał nic przeciwko temu, żeby panowie z Blizzardu dodali ludziom parę nowośći, pod warunkiem że osłabią wewnętrzny ogień. Howgh!

Poza tym nieprawdą jest że nikt nie używa już enchantów. To zależy od sytuacji. W przypadku rozgrywki ludzie vs orki - ludzie używają enchantów a orki nie (to samo dotyczy ludzie vs. trupy), bo boją sie spell breakerów... Rozgrywka ludzie vs. ludzie - tutaj musi być naprawdę ciekawie:D
Ludzie vs, elfy --> elfy raczej nie enchantowały więc nic się po wyjściu dodatku w tej kwestii nie zmienii (no chyba że wziąść po uwagę roar niedźwiedzi - wtedy sytuacja wygląda podobnie jak u orków i martwiaków).

Krótko mówiąc - przez speel breakerów przeciwnik boi się enchantować, a jeśli się nie boi, to tym lepiej, bo od czego są spell breakerzy;-P. Moim zdaniem to ogromny atut, zwłaszcza przeciwko orkom...

Dragonriderzy - świetni na umarlaków i ich bazy obstawione zigguratami...
Do tego dochodzi upgrade rocket tanków... wcale nie jest tak źle z tymi ludźmi;-))

Natomiast z elfami przeholowali i to porządnie... te giganty są po prostu P-R-Z-E-S-A-D-Z-O-N-E!!! To samo dotyczy nowego bohatera trupów...

P.S. Epidemii grypy nie życzyłbym nawet najgorszemu wrogowi ;-(( (no może.. po głębszym zastanowieniu...;-)))

a.i.n. --> My już z Lukiem łoimy w Betę:PP Dzisiaj postaram się byc znowu na kanale GOL... Jeśli grypa pozwoli to rozegram więcej niż jedną partyjkę...


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Mac => jak? na tym serwerze czy po TCP/IP ?
dziala ta beta z polisz werszyn? Duzo zajmuje?

Bo ja musialem pozbyc sie Warka3, zeby zainstalowac BG1, niestety z nieznanej mi przyczyny nie moge dolaczac do gier (w BG1) po tcp/ip wlasnie... nawet mimo zainstralowanie specjalnego pliku :(


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Mac ---> Ok...

Spell Breakerzy byliby niezli vs ork gdyby przejmowali healing wands doktorkow,
vs elfy wg mnie sa bezuzyteczni (po co masowac miski jak mozna miec WYPASIONYCH gigantow)
vs trupy bezuzyteczni...
vs ludzie - coz w ogole ludzie vs ludzie wydaja mi sie najciekawsza rozgrywka - najwiecej wariantow strategiczno/taktycznych

Co do Dragon Hawkow - zostali jednostka Tier 3 (bezsens), kosztuja troszeczke mniej niz o wiele lepsze Gryfy. Ich cloud moze i niezly ale nie rozumiem po co ludziom kolejna bron typu "siege" - maja juz czolgi (one faktycznie sa niezle) i mortary.

BloodMage - to totalna porazka i kaszana, w zyciu go teraz nie wezme...

Btw. jest taka fajniutka taktyka w podstawce War3 - jesli gra sie 2 na 2 i jedna ze stron sa ludzie + orki. Mianowicie ork szybko techuje do mass doktorkow a czlowiek do gryfow - razem sa nie do pokonania. Taktyka ma jedna wade - wrazliwosc na rush. Jesli jednak tak sie nie stanie - GG :)

Btw2. Mac, bede dzis o 23 - tam gdzie wczoraj :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke => a co w tej taktyce 2vs2 tymi doktorkami mam robic ewentualnie?
Stawiac te pulapke or what?


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Ainaval --> pulapke tez - zeby kosic oddzialy naziemne ale glownie chodzi o healing wand (czyli ta rozdzke od uzdrawiania). I jeszcze jedna kwestia - doktorki zadaja wieksze obrazenia niz szamani...

btw. masz GG?


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke => wieksze niz szamani? no prosze, czego to sie mozna dowiedziec :) thx

GG ciagle nie mam, tak jak nie mialem i nie zamierzam miec ;))))
Powiem wiecej - czerpie z tego osobista satysfakcje, choc moze sie ona wydawac dziwna ;)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

ain --> Gramy na serwerze legalnym-inaczej "Warforge". Jak chcesz z nami pograć to moge ci skrobnąć coś więcej na maila, bo nie chce dostać banana jak to się stało w przypadku takiego jednego... ;-))


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Luke --> Jeszcze jedno... nie wiem czy ja wyrobie do 23, bo od paru dni chodze o 22 spać:-E Grypa nie sługa... ale postaram sie wpaść przynajmniej na 1 partyjkę.


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

hmm... a jednak watek sie utworzyl :)
Mialem problemy z otrzymaniem potwierdzenia o utworzeniu, zrezygnowalem i zapomnialem :)
Sciagam patcha 1.05 i ide grac. Nowe konto -


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

Grrrh..... transfer z cdprojektu 1.0kb/s.. a z battle.netu z pewnych wzgledow sciagac jeszcze nie moge :))
Pamieta ktos jakies mirrory?


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Dalamar --> Nawet mając złego cd-keya można ściągać patche przez battlenet, dopiero zalogowanie się do niego jest niemożliwe...


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

To taka uwaga na wypadek gdybyś chciał grać w bete, bo nie polecam grać w bete na orginalnym cdkeyu..


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

Cd-key'a mam ok, ale gra bez cracka sie nie uruchomi, a cracka mam 1.05 :)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Jeśli mnie pamięc nie myli to crack służy tylko do gry bez płyty i można grać bez cracka nawet na piracie.. przynajmniej tak było w moim przypadku:)


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

Musiales miec dobrze przepalona plytke - u mnie niestety tak nie dziala... A tak w ogole to maila Ci wyslalem z zapytaniem :)


Xenomorph [ Chor��y ]

Nowosci dotyczace ludzi w dodatku z formum Blizza :)))

1) Topic o wrazliwosci chlopkow na hero-rushe

we have a little surprise planned for this one...Human players should be happy soon...

ps- Warden lovers, don't worry. She is not getting a nerf (at least not right now). ) <-- to juz mi sie mniej podoba (warden - nowy(a) hero NE) ;)

2) Topic o pracach zaawansowania nad dodatkiem:

I would say we are about 90% feature complete.
- You will see 4 more neutral heroes hit the Tavern
- A couple more human upgrades are incoming <--- wreszcie :D
- Powerups items will be in soon to compliment the new way that tomes work
- All racial units and heroes are complete, but you can still expect changes to them as we experiment with what works and what doesn't
- Some misc polish features are still incoming
- Some fairly serious changes in balance to help some of the static defense, teching, harassment and rushing issues brought up by testers.
I think that's everything...but I could be missing something.


Dalamar [ Konsul ]

Ide grac na bn jesli ktos jest zainteresowany :)
acount: SS-Mikael_Khan


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Dawajcie znac kiedy bedziecie grac na warforge.


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Hehe właśnie stwierdziłem, że całki to jednak dla mnie czarna magia (a tak naprawdę leniwa część mojego ja przejęła całkowitą kontrolę BUAHAHAHA!!!) więc nie zamierzam się dzisiaj wieczorem uczyć, a to oznacza... Warforge ^_^


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Noi tu pojawia się problem, bo warforge jest już spatchowane do wersji 302, a tej nigdzie znaleźć nie można:/


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Mac ---> No co Ty? Warforge nie jest spatchowane do wersji 302 - pracuja od razu nad wersja 303 ktora wyszla w nocy, zmiany sa dwie - usuneli problem ze sleep'em oraz z niesmiertelnym spirit walkerem... O ktorej bedziecie na serwerku?


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Luke --> ee?? A na forum netwars pisali, że już grają na 302:/ No ale dobrze.. ja będę dzisiaj o 20.00, jeśli jakaś siła wyższa nie zgoni mnie wcześniej z komputera;-))


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Wlasnie tam wlazlem (netwars) i znalazlem topic w ktorym jest napisane ze NIE mozna grac w 302 :) Bede ok 20tej :) Serwerek nr 1.


SamHaukneS [ śliski dżons ]

cze...właśnie sie zastanawiam czy warto nabyć Warcraft 3...może tak: co Waszym zdaniem jest największym plusem tej gry..podajcie mi też jakieś fajne szczególiki z gry.. znaczy coś co nie było jak na razie w seriach Warcrafta...


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]


1) czyli multiplayer. Jest to w sumie podstawowy i wystarczajacy powod zeby kupic ta gre :)
2) Bohaterowie - jednostki zdobywajace poziomy doswiadczenia, majacy swoje specjalne umiejetnosci, moga w pojedynke decydowac o losach bitwy
3) Mniejsze ilosciowo armie - w War3 wprowadzono koszt utrzymania - w zaleznosci od liczebnosci wojska chlopki przynosza z kopalni mniej zlota, dzieki temu nie ma takich przegiec jak w Starcraftcie
4) Grafika i muzyka nie jest teraz niczym wyjatkowym ale ma swoj klimat i jest przyjemna dla oka/ucha
5) 4 zroznicowane rasy - trupki, nocne elfy, ludzie, orki
6) Mozliwosc zagrania z ludzmi z GOLa :)))

Kupuj :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

7) Rozbudowany i wbudowany edytor, ktory pozwala tworzyc rozne scenariusze, nawet takie semi-RPG :)
8) Mozliwosc sciagania z sieci roznych map i wlasnie wspomnianych scenariuszy!
9) Nie ma przymusu grania w multiplayera jako RTS'a - jest pelno roznych odmian grupowej (hehe) zabawy w Warka3
10) Nie liczac Francuzow, lamerii, debili i szczurow patrzacych tylko na Twoj level - bardzo fajne i przyjazne "community" :)

Kupuj :)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

11) Możliwość spotkania i starcia z samym wielkim pogromcą elfich szmat;-))


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

"6) Mozliwosc zagrania z ludzmi z GOLa :)))"
Ten sobie podkresl bo takich ludzi to z swieca szukac ! ;)


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Czytam sobie forum bety i wlasnie sie dowiedzialem ze ulepsza aure paladyna w najblizszym czasie (dobra wiadomosc dla Mac'a ;)). Duzo ludzi (trupkow ;P) marudzi o ulepszenie trujacej churki Abomination (nie wiem jak sie to nazywa po polsku - te wielkie pozszywane frankensteiny :)) ale oficjalnego stanowiska jeszcze sie nie doczytalem. Jest jeden fajny watek - o czolgach i ich upgrade antyair, jeden koles zrobil "testy":

Here are the results of a simple setup I did testing the AA capabilites of war engines (the upgraded steam tanks).
All units involved had FULL upgrades (armor/weapon and any additional unit specific abilities) and all units in each test attacked at the same time (so if there were 4 units involved all 4 were attacking the entire length of the test).
There were no buffs, items, spells, auras, or any other influences other than those stated for each test.

Test 1:
2 Gryphons vs. 1 War engine
War Engine Wins with 157 HPs left (out of 700 max)

Test 2:
1 Frost Wyrm vs. 1 War engine
War Engine Wins with 293 hps left

Test 3:
3 Wyverns vs. 1 War Engine
War Engine Wins with 200 hps left

Test 4:
1 Chimera vs. 1 War Engine
War Engine wins with 325 hps left

Don't think I need to say anything else.

Na to drugi napisal:

I did a test.

It was the war engine vs the PEON.

First test: Peon wins, no hp lost.
I thought the Peon was overpowered a bit this patch, so I decided to use a smaller unit.

War engine vs Acolyte: Acolyte wins, no hp lost.
Ok, so maybe the aco is REALLY strong right now.

Next up, the wisp.
War engine vs wisp: Draw.

I have nothing more to say.

lol :))


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Kolejne, zapowiedziane zmiany:

- Paladin's devotion aura is getting a boost.
- Humans are getting new defense.
- Humans are getting a set of new abilities.
- Spellbreakers are going to be massively revamped this patch or next with many improvements and a NEW ability.
- Mounter Giants are being nerfed.
- Wyvren loosing some HP
- Gargoyles are gaining some HP but loosing some ground attack.
- Dark Ranger is being nerfed a bit
- Brewmaster MIGHT come out next patch...
- Replays are coming out ONLY in full war3x
- The neutral heros will come out when all their skills are completed...


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke - eksplejn tu mi... "draw" jak rozumiem to remis,

w takim razie war engine moze czy nie moze walczyc na bliskie dystanse?
Bo jak ten whisp zginal? Chyba ze to ta sztuczka z eksplozja whispa?

ajm dżast kurios ebałt dys ;)

PS. wrociles do ksywki :)


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ainaval --> War engine to upgrade czolgu, ktory pozwala atakowac cele lotnicze. Nie dostaje zadnego ataku naziemnego i w tym rzecz... Whisp tez nie atakuje wiec byl remis :P Ten drugi koles robil sobie najzwyczajniej jaja :) Podobalo mi sie jak stwiedzil ze peon wydawal mu sie przegiety od nowego patcha :D

Wrocilem do ksywki ale powiem szczerze ze Xenomorph tez mi sie podoba... gdybym tylko mial na nim wiecej postow :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke - ajm ejnt noł roket sajentist, ale do konca glupi nie jestem :)

Zabawnosc testu zrozumialem, nie rozumialem jedynie dlaczego whisp vs. war engine byl remis :)
Czyli zupgrejdowany steam tank traci mozliwosc ataku naziemnego?


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ain --> rozumiem, ze jest pozno... :) ok...

Whisp - nie atakuje w ogole
Tank + War engine - atakuje tylko latajki i budynki, czyli jednostek naziemnych (w tym whisp'ow) NIE atakuje

Obie jednostki nie moga sie atakowac - remis :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Aaa, Luke, nie wiedzialem ze Tank wali tylko do budynkow!!!
To wszystko wyjasnia :)

A o ile pamietam, whipy maja(?) cos w rodzaja ataku => whisp "exploduje" sam ginac "rani" okoliczne jednostki...?
(nie gralem elfimi szmatami ;)


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ain --> hyhy :) Co do whispa to owszem, exploduje ale rani tylko jednostki przyzwane (czyli miedzy innymi water elementale i SZKIELETY), wydaje mi sie tez, ze niszczy zasoby many ale nie dam glowy.

Btw. pogralbys z nami w betke... :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

A, bo zmiana mi sie chyba szykuje i na razie ...

last but not least kłeszczyn: ta Twoja wersja angielska War3 to jest moze hybryda PC/Mac?


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Jako że miałem okazję pograć Panda Piwowarkiem, opiszę jego cechy:

1. Fire Breath - Pandek lyka sobie z beczkie i zieje obszarowo ogniem. Osobniki trafione palą się jeszcze przez jakiś czas i tracą energię.

2. Upicie. Pandek częstuje wybraną jednostkę przeciwnika powodując że porusza się ona już na 1 poziomie 20% szybciej, ale ma 50% szans na nietrafienie...

3. Uniki. Kolejno 10, 20 i 30 % szans na unik.

4. Siły żywiołów. Panedek zamienia się w 3 w pełni zregenerowane małe pandy. Każda znich jest jakby odpowiednikiem żywiołu i ma zupełnie inne cechy... Po dość długim czasie pandy wracają do formy pojedynczej z taką samą ilością hp jak przed przemianą...

Całkiem ciekawa postać. Najbardziej rozbawiło mnie upicie. Kiedy upiłem Mountain Kinga, widać było tylko bez przerwy ładny napis miss.. Gorzej, że jak zaczynał przegrywać to spierniczał, aż się za nim kurzyło;-))


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ain --> tak na pudelku jest napisane :) Polska wersja nie jest Pc/Mac??

Mac --> skad go wytrzasnales??


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Luke - w naszym pieknym kraju ktos mialby sobie zadawac trud dopalenia tych paru plikow makowej wersji, skoro nawet ZUSowski "Płatnik" jest tylko w wersji na "jedynie słuszny" OS???

hehe :)

Mac => a wlasnie pare dni temu kumpel mnie pytal czy cos wiem o tej Pandzie, bo wg. niego to kolejna sciema Blizza ewentualnie easter egg w rodzaju hydraliska...


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Luke --> Panda jest już zrobiony, tyle że nie udostępniony w tawernach. Został za to udostępniony w UMSach:))


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ain --> no comment dla CDP :/

Mac --> i wszystko jasne ;)

Btw. nowy news - Blizz rozwaza zabranie scrolla Town Portal kolejnym, przyzwanym bohaterom - chca ograniczyc troche naduzywanie tego scrolla. Ciekawe co z tego wyjdzie.


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

_Luke => a przed premiera, kiedy konczyly sie zapisy na eng wersje, specjalnie napisalem do CDP list z pytaniem o hybryde :)


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Teraz to ja mam pytanie: uzywacie Keycraft'a?? Jesli ktos nie wie co to jest, juz tlumacze - programik ktory pozwala na ustawienie wlasnych skrotow klawiszowych do wszystkich rzeczy, ktore pojawiaja sie na "szachownicy" w prawym-dolnym rogu. Przydatne to, nie powiem... Swietna sprawa jesli gra sie randomem (ale i nie tylko). Blizz stwierdzil ze nie bedzie banowal za uzywanie tego wynalazku i jest swiadomy jego istnienia.

Btw. gramy dzis o 20tej??


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Luke ja bede. Kalten chyba zreszta tez.
Nie uzywam Keycrafta. Czesciowo udalo mi sie juz przestawic z polskich skrotow na angielskie.
Mam nadzieje ze wzmocnia ta aure Plugastw i ze nie bedzie juz iwecej tych wrednych dispeli :>


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Popatrzcie co wymyslil Blizz -

Example 1
You have a Farseer out fighting creeps, but your Blademaster is at your base. All xp gained would go to the Farseer

Example 2
You and your ally are fighting creeps together, your Farseer and his Demon Hunter. Since both heroes are at the battle, the heroes split the xp for the kills.
Note that both example 1 and 2 is identical to how it currently works. Here is where the change comes in.

Example 3
You attack some creeps with your Wyverns. No heroes are involved in the fight. All xp earned from these kills is evenly distributed between your heroes and your allies heroes.

Chodzi o przydzial punktow doswiadczenia - teraz bedzie mozna trzymac jednego hero w bazie, drugim creepowac a i tak exp podzieli sie na obu... wg mnie to chybiony pomysl...


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Jesli ktos jeszcze nie wie - nowy patch 304:

We have made numerous changes to improve the strategic depth of WC3: The
Frozen Throne. Please try new strategies!
- Players now start with 500 gold and 150 lumber, down from 750 gold and
200 lumber.
- Barracks-equivalents and Altars are much less expensive.
- Technology structures, in general, cost more lumber, while costing less
gold. This was part of an effort to make various strategies have a wider
window of opportunity, as well as to decrease the cost of switching
- Town Hall-equivalents and the Haunted Gold Mine cost more lumber.
- Town Hall-equivalent upgrades cost more gold and a lot more lumber.
- Most upgrades cost more lumber and less gold.
- Upgrades other than attack/defense upgrades tend to have lower research
times now.
- Humans and Undead both have new towers, the Arcane Tower and the Nerubian
Tower, respectively, which are designed to discourage Hero harassment.
- Shop hit points have been significantly reduced, as they should be a prime
target when attacking a base.
Damage and Combat Hierarchy Changes:
- Normal damage now does 70% damage to buildings, up from 50%.
- Heroes now have the aptly-named 'Hero' damage type, which works much
like Normal damage, except it only does 50% damage against buildings,
and 100% damage against Light armor. This was done primarily so that
Heroes no longer strongly counter tier-1 ranged units.
- Piercing damage now does 200% damage to Heavy armor, up from 150%. This
change was made to ensure that Archers and other ranged units can
effectively counter air units.
- Magic damage now deals 75% damage against Light armor units, as Light
armor units typically are supposed to counter units that deal Magic
- Tier-3 melee units now have Medium armor in order to encourage their use,
and make them more dangerous.
- Siege units have been significantly improved by increasing their range
and speed.
- Heavy air units such as Gryphon Riders and Frost Wyrms now deal Magic
damage, which makes them very effective against Medium armor units, and not
so effective against Light armor units, which are supposed to counter them.
- Air units OTHER than heavy air units have for the most part been
rebalanced. You may notice different damage values and other
- All air units now have Heavy armor.
Experience-Related Changes:
- Kills made when no Hero is nearby still result in your Heroes' receiving
experience. If one Hero is nearby, but another is not, only the nearby
Hero gains experience. This change was made to encourage the use of air
mobility in harassing an opponent.
- High-level creeps and units give significantly less experience.
- High-level creeps have Medium armor now.
- Low-level Heroes take 30% longer to revive. Heroes of level 4 and higher
still take the maximum of nearly 2 minutes to revive.
- Units killed by buildings no longer give experience.
- (4)BridgeTooNear: Goblin Laboratories are now gold mines. Starting gold
mines and expansions have reduced gold. Tree circle in middle has thin
wall of trees instead of thick wall of trees.
- (4)HailStone: Moved the Tavern out of player's base and replaced with a
large creep camp. Removed 4 expansion gold mines and replaced them with
Taverns and creep camps. Beefed up a gold mine.
- (4)IceFlow: All gold mines have been reduced.
- (4)Islands: Changed creep camps at Goblin Shipyards.
- (4)Tanaris: Middle is now a gold mine. Made creep camps stronger at
Laboratory and gold mines. Ripped out the medium-sized creep camps. All
gold mines reduced slightly.
- (4)Turtle Rock: Starting gold mines reduced slightly. Tertiary gold mines
reduced significantly.
- (4)WhirlWind: Removed Mercenary Camps and some creep camps. Replaced with
high ground, a Tavern, and a strong creep camp.
- (6)WheelofChaos: One Goblin Laboratory replaced by a Marketplace. All
Marketplaces around the outside became Goblin Laboratories. Gold mine and
Laboratory islands are now connected. Island gold mine creep camps are now
- (6)StranglethornVale: Starting gold mines are reduced. Mercenary Camps
are now gold mines with strong creep camps. Neutral buildings altered in
the middle of the map.
Item Changes:
- Clarity Potions, Healing Salves, and Scrolls of Regeneration all have
their effects dispelled when units under their influence attack, are
attacked, cast a spell, or are hit by a spell which does damage.
- Circlet of Nobility price increased to 175 from 125.
- Potion of Lesser Invulnerability now costs 150, up from 100.
- Crystal Ball now has unlimited charges, but a 60-second cooldown. It is
also now a level-5 permanent item instead of a level-2 charged item.
- Staff of Teleportation now costs 100 gold, down from 200, and no longer
randomly drops.
- Orbs no longer cause melee Heroes to deal double damage.
- Adjusted the level of several items.
Human Changes:
- Gyrocopters can now benefit from the new Flak Cannons upgrade, which gives
their air-to-air attack splash damage.
- Gyrocopters have been rebalanced as 1 food units.
- Mortar Teams can now benefit from the Fragmentation Shards upgrade, which
allows them to do increased damage against units.
- Knights adjusted to have a higher damage output, while being the same
overall strength.
- Spell Breakers now have the Feedback ability, which causes their attacks
to remove up to 10 mana from their target. Each point so removed causes
1 point of damage to the target.
- Spell Steal no longer requires an upgrade to use.
- Spell Breakers now have the Control Magic ability, which allows them to
charm enemy summoned units. The spell's cost is relative to the hit points
of the target. Control Magic requires the Control Magic upgrade.
- Blood Mages no longer have the Mana Shield ability, but have gained the
Siphon Mana ability, which is similar to the Dark Ranger's Life Drain,
except it drains mana instead of life from the target.
- Banish can now be cast on oneself, and slows its target by 66%.
- Banished units, by virtue of being ethereal, now take double damage from
Magic and spell attacks. The Sorceress' attack, Storm Bolt, and Flame Strike
are all examples of spells that are doubled in damage by Banish.
- Mark of Fire no longer requires a unit to create--just the spell.
- Dragonhawk Riders now benefit from the Animal War Training upgrade.
- Flame Strike now costs 150 mana to cast, up from 125.
- Flame Strike initial damage/sec reduced to 35/65/90 by level from 45/75/105.
- A bug with Flame Strike was fixed. Now it effectively deals 33%
more damage against units. This means that its values have
effectively been changed to 45/85/120 damage/sec by level.
- War Engine rockets now deal 25 damage down from 75, and have had a range
increase to 500 from 400. Additionally, up to 10 rockets can be fired at
once, up from 3.
- Human Shop no longer sells Scroll of Speed.
- Scout Towers now cost 30/20, down from 70/20.
- Guard Towers now have Light armor, take less time to build, and cost 80/60,
down from 120/60.
Undead Changes:
- Black Sphinx now has the Absorb Mana ability.
- Abominations now have the Cannibalize ability, which works much like the
Ghoul Cannibalize ability, except 1 corpse will not always fully heal an
- When units Cannibalize, the most injured units do so first.
- Obsidian Statues have been significantly changed. They now have only two
abilities: Spirit Touch and Replenish Life. They are auto-cast area-of-
effect mana and health restores which do not stack with other spells of
the same type. Two Sphinxes replenishing mana do not do so faster than 1.
Note that Statues no longer have Aura of Blight, Absorb Mana, or Replenish
- Obsidian Statues are once again 3 food in addition to now having 800 hit
points, being able to attack, and having medium armor.
- Black Sphinxes now lose 3 mana per second.
- Devour Magic radius reduced to 250 from 400, but cooldown reduced to 6
from 12.
- The Meat Wagon's corpse-carrying capability has been improved. Cannibalize
and Raise Dead will automatically use corpses in a Meat Wagon as if the
corpses were on the ground.
- Shade speed increased to 350 from 270, but hit points reduced to 125 from
- Scroll of Speed now sold on Tomb of Wonders if a Black Citadel is built.
- A Graveyard is once again required to make Spirit Towers.
- Halls of the Dead hit points reduced to 1750 from 2000.
- Black Citadel hit points reduced to 2000 from 2300.
Orc Changes:
- Catapults now have the Naphtha upgrade, which allows Catapults to cause
an incendiary effect after hitting a target, causing damage to nearby
buildings and units over time
- Level-1 Serpent Ward now has 75 hit points, down from 135.
- Ethereal Spirit Walker hit points increased to 500 from 350.
- Spirit Walkers in ethereal form take double damage from Magic and spell
attacks. The Sorceress' attack, Storm Bolt and Flame Strike are all
examples of spells that do double damage against ethereal Spirit Walkers.
- Disenchant radius reduced to 200 from 400, but mana cost reduced to 50
from 125, and cooldown reduced to 0 from 3.
- Wand of Neutralization now affects 8 targets per use, up from 5.
- Watch Towers now have Light armor, build more quickly, and cost 110/80
down from 155/80.
- Reinforced Burrows upgrade is now called "Reinforced Defenses". It also
costs 50/200, as opposed to 125/75, and now takes 60 seconds to research,
up from 45 seconds. It gives Fortified armor to both Watch Towers and
- Liquid Fire damage/sec reduced to 5/sec from 10/sec temporarily.
- Batrider attack now deals 1d4 + 18 damage, down from 1d5 + 22. This is
a temporary change.
Night Elf Changes:
- Mana Burn cooldown is now 7/6/5 seconds by level, down from 7/7/7 seconds
by level.
- Mana Flare damage cooldown reduced to .75 from 1.5.
- Shadow Strike now affects air units.
- Wisps now move speed 270, up from 220.
- Tranquility cooldown reduced to 60 from 120.
- Tranquility mana cost reduced to 125 from 200.
- Ancients now have Medium armor instead of Heavy armor when uprooted.
- Mountain Giant Hardened Skin now subtracts 15 damage from every attack,
down from 20.
- Spirit of Vengeance has been reworked. You can summon the Spirit of
Vengeance regardless of whether there are corpses nearby. The SoV will
raise invulnerable Spirits from nearby friendly corpses to fight for you.
These Spirits will dissipate if the SoV dies, or if their summon time
- Treants (summoned by Force of Nature) now benefit from Nature's Blessing.
- Anti-magic Potion now requires Ancient of Eternity to purchase.
- Clarity Potion no longer sold on Ancient of Wonders.
Neutral Heroes and Units:
- You can now buy the Pandaren Brewmaster and Naga Sea Witch from the
Tavern. Check the bottom of this readme for full details on their
- Silence range increased to 900 from 700 to allow for easier use.
- Level-2 and level-3 Black Arrow now create the same Dark Minions as
level-1 Black Arrow.
- Black Arrow damage bonus changed from 5/10/15 to 2/10/20.
- Black Arrow now works on high-level creeps.
- Charm now works on creeps of level 5 or lower, down from 6 or lower.
- Charm mana cost increased to 150 from 125.
- Neutral Heroes are not as quickly available for hire as before.
- Marketplaces have been greatly changed. In no particular order: each
Marketplace has its own stock of items; every 30 seconds, a new item is
added; Marketplaces remove items once they are purchased; Marketplaces
don't stock items until 2 minutes into the game.
- Mercenary camps have a number of new creeps seeking to be soldiers of
fortune! Be sure to check them out!
- Creeps sold at Mercenary Camps and Goblin Laboratories are often
available much earlier than before. Some are available as early as
60 seconds into the game (down from 440 seconds previously)!
- Second and third Heroes no longer start with Scrolls of Town Portal.
- The allied minimap color filter now has a third state: minimap only. In
this state, units on the main screen will have their own particular
player's color, while units in the minimap will be color coded according
to their team.
- Group-selected buildings now distribute orders properly. For instance,
if you tell two Barracks to research several upgrades and build several
units at the same time, the orders are distributed between them equally.
- Ethereal units take double damage from spell damage and Magic damage.
- All Backpack upgrades now cost 50/25, down from 75/25.
Neutral Hero Abilities:
Pandaren Brewmaster
* Drunken Haze – Causes the target to become extremely drunk, causing it
to move slowly and miss attacks.
* Breath of Fire – The Brewmaster breathes fire in a short-ranged cone shape,
causing damage to both air units and ground units in the area of effect.
Units which were under the effects of Drunken Haze are set aflame and take
significant damage over time.
* Drunken Brawler – Exactly like Evasion.
* Storm, Earth, and Fire – The Brewmaster splits into three mini-pandas:
Storm, Earth, and Fire. Each is a formidable fighter in its own right,
and possesses at least one ability. All have the Resistant Skin ability.
After the spell duration ends, if any one of the pandas is still alive,
the Brewmaster reforms.
- Storm: Can cast Cyclone, level-1 Wind Walk and Dispel Magic. Has a ranged
- Earth: Magic immune, has extremely high hit points, and possesses the
Pulverize and Taunt abilities.
- Fire: Has Permanent Immolation and a strong attack.
Naga Sea Witch
* Forked Lightning – Similar to Carrion Swarm. A cone-shaped direct damage
spell which does fixed damage to a certain number of targets.
Amount of damage and number of targets go up with level. This spell is
slightly more powerful than Carrion Swarm, but is also a bit more costly,
and has a slightly longer cooldown.
* Mana Shield – This ability is completely reworked version of the Blood
Mage's old Mana Shield ability. It is now an ability that can be activated
or deactivated, much like Immolation. When it is activated, damage done to
the Sea Witch is instead dealt to her mana pool instead of her health.
* Cold Arrows – Similar to Searing Arrows. Deals bonus damage when turned
on, and also slows the victim's attack rate and movement rate.
* Tornado (ultimate) – Creates a randomly moving Tornado in the area of
effect which causes significant damage to buildings and slows the attack rate
and move speed of units.


Lesaonar [ Generaďż˝ ]

mam pytanko do warcraftowcow - kiedy ma się pojawić Frozen Throne (o ile juz nie wyszedł)? w jak dużym stopniu poszerza rozgrywke w stosunku do wersji podstawowej?


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Lesaonar --> nie, Frozen Throne nie wyszedl jeszcze. Premiera przewidziana jest na lipec, ale tego nie jestem pewien. Dodatek wprowadza cale mnostwo zmian, ciagle (jak widac w tym watku) jest testowany. FT dodaje nowych bohaterow (1 na rase + bodajze 5 neutralnych do wynajecia), nowe jednostki powietrzne i naziemne - wszystko napisane jest w tym watku. Aktualny patch 304 zmienia gre w sumie nie do poznania (inne rodzaje zbroi, atakow jednostek - nowe strategie i kontry).


Lesaonar [ Generaďż˝ ]

_Luke_ --> móglbyś podać linka do tego patcha? troche ciezko sie przekopać a nie jestem w temacie watku...


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

- Abominations now have the Cannibalize ability, which works much like the
Ghoul Cannibalize ability, except 1 corpse will not always fully heal an

Taaa i co jeszcze grrr


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Lesaonar --> a po co Ci ten link? Testerzy Bety sciagaja go automatycznie przy polaczeniu z'em

Btw. Zabrali nam scroll of speed i dali trupom :/ Juz widze te szkielety na prochach ;) Myslalem tez ze Workshop nie bedzie wymagany do ulepszenia "dlugich strzelb" riflemanow... Ciekawe jak to wyglada w praniu


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Nowy patch 304a (w sumie to najpotrzebniejsze fix'y):


PLEASE NOTE: We have made the Ctrl/Subgroup order functionality an optional
feature that is disabled by default. You can re-enable this functionality
by going to the "Options --> Gameplay" screen from the main Menu and check-
ing the "Subgroup Order modifier key" box.

- Naga Sea Witch movement type is no longer amphibious.
- Naga Sea witch now follows the proper "Hero" purchasing rules.
- Added a new map and fixed several others that were not properly
updated in previous patches.

- (6)RiceFields: Added this new map which will initially be enabled for
2vs2 games. This map utilizes a new Random Creep concept where the creeps
that make up each camp are generated randomly each time the map is played.
- (6)Whirlwinds: Removed all Taverns. Replaced two Goblin Merchants
with Mercenary Camps.
- (6)StranglethornVale: Starting gold mines are reduced. Mercenary Camps
are now gold mines with strong creep camps. Neutral buildings altered in
the middle of the map. **NOTE: This map was unchanged in previous versions
regardless of notes indicating otherwise. **

Godny uwagi jest fakt proby wprowadzenia do map losowo wybranych creepow (potworkow), wg mnie bardzo ciekawy pomysl, ktos z forum bety na niego wpadl...


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Don't be fooled by the nick that I got
I'm still I'm still ainaval
from the GOL channel ;)
I know where I came from! :D

To tak, żebyscie wiedzieli - mam wątek na oku caaaaaały czas ;)


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Wy ktorzy macie bete dajta jakies info jak sie gra na tych wszystkich zmianiach a jakies screeny tez beda mile widziane !
Do czerwca/lipca jeszcze dosyc daleko wiec przynajmniej wy podzielcie sie wrazeniami ;)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Polecam taki fajowy wallpaper z bety :)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

eh, musi byc jpg :) ====>


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

do trzech razy sztuka !!!


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

to jakis zart, w kazdym razie poszukajcie takiej zielonej tapetki z nowym herosem elfich szmat ;)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

dobra, po raz ostatni warden w rozdziałce 1024x768


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

nie wiecie sakd mozna sciagnac jakies dobre scenariusze do warcrafta? bo jakos z azeroth nie daje mi sie sciagnac


n2n [ Pielgrzym ]

no to moze i ja dam fajna tapete, po prawej 800-600, pod linkiem takze w innych rozdzielczosciach


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

naprawde nikt nie wie?;(


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

ehhh --> chodzi Ci o ums'y? Najlepiej wladuj sie komus do gry custom na BN i przy odrobinie szczescia ktos Cie nie wywali zanim sciagniesz :)



Major Fixes:
- We have fixed a bug that occasionally caused unit commands to be ignored
by the game. This most commonly occurred when attempting to use healing
spells while creeping, as the bug was related to adding units to a
selection group and then using an ability.

Item Changes:
- Lion Horn of Stormwind is now a level-4 item.
- Items now have 75 hit points, down from 100.
- Clarity Potion, Scroll of Regeneration and Healing Salve are now
dispelled only when a unit under the effect is hit by an attack or an
offensive spell.
They are no longer dispelled by attacking.

Changes to Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes:
- Forked Lightning has been rebalanced. It now requires a specific unit
target, and hits 3 targets, down from 4/5/6. It also has had its damage
per target changed to 110/180/250 from 125/160/200.
- Frost Arrows now last 5 seconds, down from 6.
- Delayed the initial availability of various mercenaries, such as the
Makrura Snapper and Goblin Shredder.
- The Pandaren Brewmaster has gained 2 Agility, but lost 1 point of
Strength and 1 point of Intelligence.
- Breath of Fire damage reduced to 70/140/190 from 75/150/200.
- Tornado is now a channeling spell, and does 40 points of damage a second
to buildings, up from 20.

Undead Changes:
- Gargoyle anti-air attack increased by roughly 50%.
- Black Sphinx hit points increased to 900 from 800.
- Obsidian Statue's Replenish Life and Spirit Touch abilities have been
rebalanced. They are much stronger now.
- Obsidian Statue mana regeneration increased to 1.25 from .5.
- Locust Swarm damage has increased 25%, but its life drain rate per
attack has been decreased 25%.
- Units created by Animate Dead are now invulnerable. Note that the creep
version of this spell does not create invulnerable versions.
- Units created by Animate Dead only last 60 seconds now, down from 120.
- Carrion Beetle damage increased by 15% at all levels.

Human Changes:
- Devotion now gives 1.5/ 3 / 4.5 armor per level. Note that this
fractional armor will not show up properly on unit information cards,
but will work properly on units in terms of damage reduction. We are
aware of this bug and will fix it at some point in the future.
- Banish range increased to 800 from 600.
- Banish now halves the speed of units rather than reducing it to 1/3 of
their total speed.
- Banish no longer affects mechanical units.
- Flame Strike now costs 135 mana, down from 150 mana.
- Flame Strike area increased to 225 from 200.
- The spell formerly known as Mark of Fire is now known as "Phoenix".
- Phoenix cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Phoenix mana cost increased to 175 from 125.
- Phoenixes now shed feathers, which cause both initial damage as well as a
certain amount of damage over time to nearby hostile units. Note that
the graphics and effects of this spell are temporary, though the
functionality is done.
- When a Phoenix dies, it becomes a Phoenix Egg. If the Phoenix Egg is not
destroyed within 10 seconds, the Phoenix will be reborn.
- Phoenixes only lose 10 hp a second now, down from 14 hp a second.
- Casting Phoenix when you already control a Phoenix results in the original
Phoenix's being destroyed, in much the same manner as Feral Spirit.
- Blacksmith cost changed to 140/60 from 120/120.
- Gyrocopters now deal 1d2 + 5 damage to air units, down from 1d2 + 8.
Note that Gyrocopters with the Flak Cannons upgrade are still extremely
effective against other air units.
- Arcane Tower now deals 20 Feedback damage, down from 25.
- Siphon Mana now drains 12/24/36 mana per second, up from 8/16/24 mana per
- Siphon Mana can now be cast at range 600, up from 500, and will keep
draining until the target is at a distance of 850, up from 800.

Night Elf Changes:
- Huntresses are now Light armor (formerly known as Heavy armor).
- Huntress damage increased to 1d3 + 15 from 1d3 + 14.
- Huntress hit points increased to 600 from 550.
- Archer damage reduced to 1d3 + 15 from 1d4 + 18.
- Archer hit points increased to 310 from 260.
- Cyclone no longer affects mechanical units.
- Shadow Strike move speed reduction is now 50% down from 60%.
- Fan of Knives now deals a maximum of 400/750/1075 damage by level, down
from 450/825/1200.
- Entangled units are now unable to attack, though they can still cast
- Entangle duration on units reduced to 12/24/36, down from 15/30/45.
- Hippogryph anti-air damage increased by roughly 50%.
- Blink no longer works when the Warden is immobilized.

Orc Changes:
- Spirit Link is now a "chaining" spell which affects 3 targets. It also
now costs 100 mana to cast.

Armor System Change:
We have switched around the naming of certain armor types for conceptual
reasons. Heavy armor became Light armor, Medium armor became Heavy armor,
and Light armor became Medium armor.
- Light armor units, most of which are air units, take bonus damage from
Piercing damage.
- Medium armor units, which include basic ranged units such as Archers, as
well as peon-type units, take bonus damage from Normal damage, and
reduced damage from Magic and Piercing damage.
- Heavy armor units, which include both tier-1 and tier-3 melee, take bonus
damage from Magic damage.

- No Upkeep is now from 0-50 food, Low Upkeep is now from 51-80 food, and
High Upkeep is now from 81-100 food. This change was made to compensate
for the need to have large amounts of lumber-gathering peons.
- Heroes gain more experience from creeps early on, and less once they hit
level 3. Once they hit level 5, Heroes can only gain experience through
killing units controlled by other players.
- Backpack upgrade now requires a shop.
- Ethereal units, which include Banished units and Spirit Walkers in
Ethereal Form, now take 66% bonus damage from spells and magic, down
from 100% bonus damage.
- Units can never move at a speed slower than 150 (roughly 60% the speed
of a Footman). This means that stacking slow effects such as Slow Poison,
Shadow Strike, Slow, etc. will no longer virtually stop units. Note that
Ancients still move very slowly.
- All standard spellcasters have had their mana regeneration increased by
33%. Examples include Druid of the Claw, Sorceress, Witch Doctor and
- All workers (Peons, Wisps, etc.) now have Medium type armor, which was
formerly known as Light armor. This means that they take bonus damage
from Normal damage, and reduced damage from Piercing and Magic attacks.


Przewodnik Syriusza [ Magazyn Grafik ]

Moje konto: Syriusz_14


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Eee Blizzard juz sie chyba wcale normalnym Warcraftem nieinteresuje :(
Tam tez moglby poprawic aure palladyna !


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

paściak --> mysle, ze w momencie wypuszczenia na rynek dodatku pojawi sie do podstawki patch wprowadzajacy zmiany... tak chyba bylo ze Starcraftem?


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Nie jest zle. Moglo byc gorzej :D.
Niech mi tylko ktos wytlumaczy ten paragraf
Units created by Animate Dead are now invulnerable. Note that the creep
version of this spell does not create invulnerable versions.

Bo dla mnie to bylo by zbyt piekne zyby bylo prawdziwe.


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Miniu ---> no chyba dobrze rozumiesz... i jest to wg mnie zbyt piekne :/ Jednostki wskrzeszone przez czar 6 poziomu Death Knight'a sa niesmiertelne, przynajmniej na jakis czas... nie dotyczy wskrzeszonych cial potworkow neutralnych.


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Heheh.. blizz sie troche pospieszyl z tym patchem - jest w nim OGROMNY bug. Mianowicie mozna uzywac ksiag wielokrotnie... z TFT wyszedla Hero Arena :P


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

<off topic>

Mam troche glupi problem (znoowu?). Chcialbym z kolegami pograc po lanie, ale niechce grac na patchu 1.0 bo wszyscy graja na nim elfami i robia TYLKO lowczynie :) I wlasnie chcialbym zainstalowac patcha 1.5 ale jesli to zrobie to trzeba jeszcze raz crackowac. Wie ktos gdzie znajde cracka aby pirat dzialal na 1.5 ??? Odpowiedz mozecie mi wyslac na mejla bo mordki moga czuwac ;)
[email protected]

<off topic>


soze [ sick off it all ]

heh mam pytanko do znawcow:]]

w wara siekam od samego wyjscia i poraz 1 miałem taka sytuacje.... niemogłem uzywac "czarow" mojego herosa a dokładnie wyssanie manny czy jak to sie nazywa w demonhunterze elfow..poprostu gdy chciałem go uzyc przeciwko innemu herosowi pojawiał mi sie taki komunikat...message cant be deliver.... jakos tak to szło..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zupełnie tego nie kumam:]]]]..jesli ktos cos wie..plz:]]



_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

soze --> bladego pojecia nie mam co to moze byc... pierwszy raz o tym slysze :/ grales w wersje 1.05?


soze [ sick off it all ]

tak...niewiem moze jakis nowy hak???..wersje mam polska..a komunikat wywalał poangielsku....ale kilkanascie razy!!?prubowałem mu tym przygrzac i ciagle to samo...pozatym pocałej tej akcji mialem totalna wyjebke z bn....musialem restartowac kompa zeby muc wejsc spowrotem?!


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Gram na BN od czasu do czasu (ostatnio idzie mi po prostu fatalnie ale nie o tym mowa :P moi allianci to jakies same n00by :)) ale NIGDY sie z czyms takim nie spotkalem ani o tym nie slyszalem. Moze sprobuj reinstalki War3?


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

tzn chodzi mi o taki scenariusz zo jest w warcrafcie zaraz na poczxatku tj ten zo wybiera sie bochatera i idzie przez taka dosyc duza mape i pytam sie skad sciagnac inne tegu typou gry


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

soze --> Napisz maila w tej sprawie do blizzarda.. Gdzieś po kilku tygodniach powinni ci odpowiedzieć.

ehhh--> Scenariusze tworzy się raczej do rozgrywki wieloosobowej (np.Lord of te Rings), ale poszperaj po różnych stronach, to może coś znajdziesz.. ja niestety ci nie pomogę:/


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

A co ze Mna ? Niewiecie ? :(
Mnie tez sie tak robi z tym czarem. Jesli chce uzyc Spalania many na innym DemonHunterze pokazuje sie jakis komunikat o bledzie :/ Na innych bohaterach wysysa bezproblemowo.


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

aaaaa... juz teraz wiem - od patcha 1.03 nie mozna wysysac many z innego Demon Huntera, nie wiedzialem tylko ze pokazuje sie taki komunikat - to normalne

"- Mana Burn no longer affects units with Mana Burn (Demon Hunters, Satyr
Soulstealers, Felhounds, etc.)." <-- readme patcha 1.03


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

Jestem początkójącym graczem na BattleNecie i mam do was takie pytania:
1) Czy jest ograniczona ilość kont na BN, czy mogę założyć nieokreśloną ilość?
2) Jaką proponujecie rasę dla początkującego gracza?? (zaznaczam że single player przeszedłem)


BukE [ Majster ]


..mam W3 od dawna, ale nigdy nie zastanawialem sie jak grac przez neta (wiem głupie) :/ wiec mam pytanko :
-jak zaczac..? czyli jak zalozyc konto na Battle Net?


th0t [ Centurion ]

Buke--> Najpeierw musisz miec patcha 1.05 Ktorego sciagniesz stad: Sa dwa rodzaje do wersji angielskiej i polskiej. Sciagnij do takiej jakie masz oryginal W3

Nastepnie wlaczasz W3 klikasz na zakladke Dalej Klikasz na zalorz nowe kont (creat new account) nastepnie pierwsze pole wypelniasz swoim unikalnym Nickiem a w drugim wpsujesz swoje haslo... w trzecim okienku potwierdzasz haslo czyli wpisujesz je jeszcze raz.No i gotowe. Jak juz wlaczy ci sie okienko BN( klikasz na Wejdz na Czat i rozmawiasz z ziomkami siedzacymi na kanale. Jesli chcesz zagrac klikasz rozpocznij gre wybierasz swoja rase oraz parametry gry i klikasz na rozpocznij gre czy jak to tam pisze ;p. Mysle ze wytlumaczylem to wystarczajaco jasno ;)


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

1. Chyba niema zadnego ograniczenia, przynajmniej ja mam/mialem juz ich bardzo duzo i dalej moge zakladac nastepne :)
2. Teraz chyba wszystkie rasy sa rowne wiec wolny wybor. Ja dlugo gralem ludzmi a teraz przezucilem sie na elfy.
Skad ja znam takie glupie pytania :PP
Wlaczas gre, klikaszna przycisk "Battle Net" i jesli sciagna ci sie najnowsze patche albo juz je masz to widzisz ekran na ktorym sie logujesz i zakladasz nowe konto.



_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

paściak --> coooooooo???????? Zdradziles ludzka rase na rzecz "elfich szmat"? Niewybaczalne :P

Spozniony update:

patch beta 305a

Major Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where tomes could be used multiple times.
- Removed magic damage resistance from the Defend ability.

Balance Fixes:

- Animate Dead duration is now 40 down from 60.
- Animate Dead cooldown is now 180 down from 240.
- You can not have more than 6 vengeance spirits summoned by the Avatar of Vengeance at any given time.
- Heroes gain experience at the same rate as they used to for level 1 and 2, down from a slight bonus.
- Mercenaries restock slower in general, and many initial availabilities of mercenaries have been adjusted.

Btw. niech ktos zalozy kolejna czesc


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Yah, "nasz" wątek znowu na pierwszej stronie :)

Chciałem wam miśki zareklamować fajowy mod czy scenario w jakie wczoraj grałem sobie na BNie :)

W skrócie opart jest na grze mmorpg Dark Age of Camelot, czyli w nazwach gier trzeba szukac czegos na kształt DAOC xxx

Polega na tym zabawa, ze wybierasz rodzaj swojego hero - ja wybralem na slepo chyba najgorsza łajze i jesteś przydzielony do jednej z trzech krain. Na srodku stoi fort, ktory sie zdobywa - wygrywa kraina (powiedzmy 4 graczy) ktora go utrzyma przez 8 minut. Wczoraj wygralismy - nie powiem, dzieki mnie, bo w koncu postanowilem zmienic char na medica i moglem leczyc nasz team oraz Lorda w twierdzy (zabicie Lorda powoduje przejecie twierdzy) i tym sposobem przetrzymalismy 8 minut. Super zabawa, przynajmnije na poczatek :)

A w RTS nieiwele gram, najwyzej z kumplami, jak macie ochote na jakis GOL meeting, chetnie sie pojawie (ale w podstawke bez add-onu)


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

Mam jeszcze jedno pytanie: Czy można jakoś usunąć utworzone konta? stworzyłem kilka ale teraz wiem że będę kożystał już z jednego więc nie chce blokować "ksywki" innym graczom........


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Angel --> Blizzard sam kasuje nie uzywane konta po ok 3 m-cach

Ainaval --> jestem za :) chocby dzis o 20 na GOLu moglibysmy popykac Btw. KAZDY jest mile widziany



paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Luke --> Opieralem sie dzielnie ale niestety "elfie szmaty" :P przejely i mnie :/ Wszystko przez te Driady !!!


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

Jakby co - puśccie mi whispa kiedy gracie na moje zwykłe i stare i ulubione oraz tak naprawdę jedyne konto - Ainaval

A ja postanowiłem skończyć kampanię - teraz czas na misję orków z drewnem i strasznie mi się nie chce tego przechodzić :P


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

PS. Faktycznie nowa częśc wątku nie byłaby zła, ale najlepiej z taką listą graczy jak w poprzednich mieliśmy :)

To kto na ochotnika? ;)


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Pozwolilem sobie zalozyc nowa czesc ;)
Piewszy raz to zrobilem wiec napiszcie czy niepopelnilem jakiejs gafy.

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