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GOW Duch Sparty skórki pytanie


FIREBLAST [ Pretorianin ]

GOW Duch Sparty skórki pytanie

Siemka mam pytanie jak mogę odblokować skórkę Legionisty? Słyszałem że tylko poprzez Pre-Order ale może jest inny jakiś sposób?

PS: Skórkę "Ghost of Sparta" odblokowuje się po przejściu gry na poziomie GOD. Zgadza się?

Proszę o pomoc i pozdrawiam


Damian1539 [ Legend ]

Perform the following actions to unlock additional costumes.

* Kratos - Given at start
* God Armor - Beat the game in any Difficulty.
* Deimos (Kratos' brother) - Beat the game in any Difficulty.
* Robotos - Buy from The Temple of Zeus for 250,000 orbs. It is the first lion orb statue on the right side of the Temple of Zeus.
* Zeus/Gravedigger (usable only in combat arena) - Free after you unlock everything else at the Temple of Zeus, solve the puzzle and use the shovel
* Legionnaire - Pre-order bonus with UNIQUE code


FIREBLAST [ Pretorianin ]

Dzięki a jak z tym "ghost of Sparta"?) pytam ponieważ nie ma tej skórki w zestawieniu?


Szwaroc [ ]

z linka powyzej wynika ze:

Throughout the game, Kratos sees visions of his past. We came up with a ‘look’ or visual style for these sequences that helped clearly set them apart from what was happening in present time. Everything and everyone in these visions/flashbacks has a vapor-like effect emitting from them. We took almost all of the color out of the imagery making it fairly monochromatic with the exception of the color red which is associated with Deimos’ birthmark, the fires that burned Sparta the day his brother was taken, and also the blood that stains his memories. Choose the Ghost of Sparta costume and you will take twice the damage from enemies, but your rewarded by inflicting quadruple fire damage with Thera’s Bane. The Ghost costume is also able to regenerate the fire meter four times as fast as the default Kratos costume.

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