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Pomoc angielski


Chriso25 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Pomoc angielski

Witam, mam sobie wyobrazic ze wybieram sie do Anglii na kurs. Mam odpowiedziec na list pewnej pani Sandres po angielsku. Napisalem go ale pewnie beda bledy wiec prosilbym o skorygowanie ich.

Thank you for your letter. I'm sure that may stay with you and your family will be successful. I'll try to answer all the question you asked in your letter.
I'll come to Gatwick airport on Saturday 29 at 12:35. I'm going to get the train to Brighton. I checked connection on the internet and the train leaves at 13:45. As everything goes well I'll be in Brighton at about 14:15. As I'll be on the train then I'll call you.
I don't smoke and I don't eat many meat I prefer vegetables and fish. I also don't drink any coffy but I can drink tea, mineral water or Juices. If there a possibility that I would like a single room but I can also share a room with another student. After the end of course I'm going back to Poland.

Mam nadzieje ze brzmi to z sensem, bo pisalem to na szybko, ale powinno to wystarczyc jak oczywiscie bedzie jak najmniej bledow.


Matt [ I Am The Night ]

ogolnie jest bardzo spoko, ponizej wersja z moimi kilkoma drobnymi poprawkami:

Thank you for your letter. I'm sure that my stay with you and your family will be successful. I'll try to answer all the question you asked in your letter.
I'll come to Gatwick airport on Saturday 29 at 12:35. I'm going to get the train to Brighton. I checked connection on the Internet and the train leaves at 13:45. If everything goes well, I'll be in Brighton at about 14:15. When I'm on the train then I'll call you.
I don't smoke and I don't eat too much meat, I prefer vegetables and fish. I also don't drink any coffee, but I can drink tea, mineral water or juices. If there's a possibility, I would like a single room but I can also share a room with another student. After the end of course I'm going back to Poland.


Chriso25 [ Generaďż˝ ]

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