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Failed to load the launcher DLL


Adrian 108 [ Stunner ]

Failed to load the launcher DLL

Mam taki problem. Zainstalowałem sobie kolejny raz grę Portal (Orange Box). Kiedy chcę uruchomić grę, pojawia się taki komunikat ->

Wydaje mi się że ma coś wspólnego z systemem Cloud, bo kiedy uruchomiłem 1 raz to pisało coś o przenoszeniu plików do systemu Cloud. Próbowałem już:
- Reinstall
- Defragmentuj pliki gry
- Sprawdź spójność plików gry
- Włącz/Wyłącz synchronizacje ze Steam Cloud

Bardzo proszę o pomoc.

Failed to load the launcher DLL - Adrian 108

Adrian 108 [ Stunner ]

Dałem wątek do kategorii komputery, bo nie wiem gdzie by pasowało.


Adrian 108 [ Stunner ]

Znalazłem rozwiązanie. Może się kiedyś komuś przydać:

Go to "C:\Program Files\Steam" ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam if you are running" 64-bit), then open the folder called "steamapps". You should see a whole bunch of GCF files, and maybe some NCF files. GCF files are Valve's game content files - they're sort of like big Zip archives. Ignore all of them except for the two related to portal - they should be labeled "content" and "english". Move (cut/paste) these files to your desktop, or some other safe location.

Next, still in the steamapps folder, you'll see a few sub-folders. Go to the one that's the same as your Steam username, and you should see folders for all your Valve games. Select the one called "portal" and delete it.

Now, shut down Steam, waiting a few seconds to make sure it's fully closed (you can check the Task Manager to see if Steam.exe is still running). Move the three GCF files back into your steamapps folder, where they were before.

Start Steam again, and run portal (it should say the game is installed). Steam should recreate the portal directory under your username, along with all the files that were in it (since it already has all of the sounds/textures/models/maps/etc. in the GCF files). It might take slightly longer than usual to start up, but it should be fine.

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