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Lista Rockowo/Metalowa, numer 643


3dD1e [ Zuo market ]

Lista Rockowo/Metalowa, numer 643

1. W każdym wydaniu może być umieszczonych max. 20 pozycji.
2. Każdy ma prawo do oddania jednego głosu na wybraną przez siebie pozycję (nie może głosować na własną propozycję jeżeli takową dał).
3. Użytkownicy umieszczają kawałki z muzyki, które się definiuje jako rockowa i metalowa (+ liczne odłamy: hard rock, black metal itd.).
4. Użytkownicy umieszczają propozycje według szablonu KOLEJNY NUMER. NAZWA ZESPOŁU/SOLISTY/SOLISTKI-UTWÓR [KSYWA]. Źle umieszczone propozycje będą usuwane.
5. Głosujemy według szablonu NUMER UTWORU. NAZWA ZESPOŁU/SOLISTY/SOLISTKI-UTWÓR [KSYWA]. Głos musi być pogrubiony. Źle umieszczone głosy nie będą brane pod uwagę.
6. Po oddaniu pierwszego głosu rozpoczyna się głosowanie, które trwa 48 godzin.
7. W przypadku wygranej dwóch lub więcej propozycji mamy to w dupie i nie robimy dogrywek tylko wygrają dwa lub więcej utworów.
8. Nie można umieszczać na liście utworu, który już wcześniej wygrał.
9. Na jedną listę przypada jeden kawałek danego zespołu. Nie można w jednej liście umieszczać w propozycjach dwóch różnych kawałków tego samego zespołu, np. jeśli jest już w propozycjach Iron Maiden - Aces High to nie można w tej części umieścić nic więcej z Iron Maiden.
10. Na temat muzyki pojętej jako "rockowo/metalowa" można tutaj dyskutować wymieniając się poglądami na temat zespołów czy danych utworów.
11. Nową część zakładamy w kategorii "muzyka", bo wątek jest o muzyce. Każdą część założoną w innej kategorii będziemy ignorować.
12. Regulaminu należy przestrzegać.

Lista zwycięzców:

Poprzednią część wygrali:
Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be [synoth] - 642 Lista

Link do poprzedniej części:


mefsybil [ Legend ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]

Zakochałem się w tym zespole! :O


Coltain [ Pretorianin ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]

Byłem święcie przekonany, że to już dawno na liście jest...


3dD1e [ Zuo market ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]

Miałem dodać inną nowość w muzyce, którą niedawno poznałem. Przeglądałem YT i trafiłem na to. Pomyślałem, że warto spróbować


pooh_5 [ Czyste Rączki ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]


david_fc [ Generaďż˝ ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]


K4B4N0s [ Filthy One ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]


RoBhaal [ Konsul ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]

Nie wygrało? Oo


Selman [ Legend ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]

za tą dzikość właśnie pokochałem mastodona


Saul Hudson [ Legend ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]


synoth [ Disposable Hero ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]


Macco™ [ Child Of The Damned ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]


bezi 47 [ Cowboy From Hell ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]


binkset [ Acacia Avenue ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]


Kamciovit [ Pretorianin ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]


m1a87z [ EmJedenA OsiemSiedemZet ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]


pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]


m997 [ Generaďż˝ ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]


Mepha [ Mhroczny Pogromca ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]
18. System of a Down - Toxicity [Mepha]


pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]

Mepha--> Sprawdzenie listy zwycięzców nie boli :).

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]


szymonmac [ Legend ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]
18. Flaming Moe - Lovebringer [szymonmac]


Twinings [ Child in Time ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]
18. Flaming Moe - Lovebringer [szymonmac]
19. Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company [Twinings]


Mepha [ Mhroczny Pogromca ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
3. Tankard - Stay Thirsty [3dD1e]
4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
6. Funeral For A Friend - The Art Of American Football [K4B4N0$]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
8. Mastodon - Mother Puncher [Selman]
9. Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo [dudka]
10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]
11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
12. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate [bezi47]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]
17. Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper [m997]
18. Flaming Moe - Lovebringer [szymonmac]
19. Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company [Twinings]
20. Scars on Broadway - 3005 [Mepha]

sorki, że dałem tamto ale nie widziałem tego na liście


k42a_ [ The Blues ]

13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]


Will Barrows [ take one shot fo my pain ]

14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]


Dycu [ zbanowany QQuel ]

4. Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain [pooh]


bezi 47 [ Cowboy From Hell ]

18. Flaming Moe - Lovebringer [szymonmac]

Świetny stoner rockowy zespół, też poznałem ich na Lascie :D
Wielki plus dla Trivium. Mniejsze dla Tankarda, Scorpionsów, Funerala For A Frienda, Annihilatora, Bulleta For My Valentine'a i Pantery


Inquisitio [ Pull the trigger ]

2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]


kluha666 [ Legend ]

13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]


pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]

5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]


david_fc [ Generaďż˝ ]

10. Korpiklaani - Vodka [synoth]


Saul Hudson [ Legend ]

16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]


binkset [ Acacia Avenue ]

7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]


mefsybil [ Legend ]

14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]


Coltain [ Pretorianin ]

5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come


Twinings [ Child in Time ]

5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
+ 4, 7, 16


Kamciovit [ Pretorianin ]

15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]

+1, 6


RoBhaal [ Konsul ]

11. Annihilator - Road To Ruin [Maco]
Plusy dla Ironów, Scorpions, Scars on Brodway, Korpiklaani i Pantery.


Gregov [ Arcane Archer ]

7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]


K4B4N0s [ Filthy One ]

1. Trivium - Kirisute Gomen [mefsybil]

I plusy dla Pantery. MH, BFMV i 5FDP.


Macco™ [ Child Of The Damned ]

2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]


mikhell [ Master of Puppets ]

15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]


3dD1e [ Zuo market ]

16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]


3dD1e [ Zuo market ]

Zaraz, chwila. Pomyłka w liczeniu

No to nieźle. Muszę to zrobić bardzo na spokojnie bo 7 pozycji wygrało


3dD1e [ Zuo market ]

wygrały pozycje:
2. Iron Maiden - Out of The Shadows [Coltain]
5. Scorpions - The Best Is Yet To Come [david_fc]
7. Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar [RoBhaal]
13. AC/DC - Big Jack [binkset]
14. Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire [Kamciovit]
15. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name [m1a87z]
16. Jethro Tull - Aqualung [pawcyk3]


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