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Rares [ Melancholik ]


Czy moja praca na angielski jest poprawna?

Something about me.

My name is Adrian. I was born 16th October 1993, so that's mean that I have 16 years. I go to High School in my city – Radzyn Podlaski. I have brother and sister and I'm older than them. From an early age I'm not tall, but I just ignore it. I have medium length, dark hair and blue eyes. I'm very lazy, calm and a bit shy. I'm a home bird and sometimes it's hard to pull me out of my house. I'm interested in Information Technology specifically programming. It's fantastic thing, because I can create games and useful applications. It's related to my future, because I'm going to finish AGH academy in Cracov or UW in Warsaw and I want to work as a programmer. I don't like sport, but there is one exception – it's a football. I like playing it with my mates and my brother. I'm studying English for seven years, but I'm still make mistakes, sometimes they are simple. It's wouldn't be good when I will stop learning. I know that second language need to constantly improving. I don't limit learning only to school lessons, so I make a lot of things which can help me. For example I often play computer games in original language (almost all games are produced in English) than Polish, translated games. Besides I listen internet BBC's radio, watch TV channels like CNN, BBC and I'm surfing on English websites or forums.

That's all.


mirencjum [ operator kursora ]

Przeczytałem trzy zdania i dopiero się kapnąłem, że nie znam angielskiego. Przepraszam, to chyba skleroza.


kefirek09 [ Senator ]

so that's mean that I have 16 years

so that's mean I'm 16 yers old. - Nie może być użyte have, kiedy podaje się wiek


Zenedon [ Burak cukrowy ]

Jak już poprawiasz, to rób to z głową.

So that means I'm sixteen years old.

Reszta ujdzie, nie chce mi się przepisywać całości.


Aen [ Anesthetize ]

y name is Adrian. I was born on 16th October 1993, so that means I'm sixteen years old. I go to the High School in my city – Radzyn Podlaski. I have brother and sister and I'm older than them. I'm not tall, but I just ignore it. I have medium height, dark hair and blue eyes. I'm very lazy, calm and a bit shy. I'm a home bird and sometimes it's hard to pull me out of my house. I'm interested in Information Technology, programming specifically. It's a fantastic thing, because I can create games and useful applications. It's related to my future, because I'm going to finish AGH academy in Cracov or UW in Warsaw and I want to work as a programmer. I don't like sport, but there is one exception – it's football. I like playing it with my mates and my brother. I've been studying English for seven years, but I still make mistakes, yet sometimes they are simple. It wouldn't be good If I stopped learning. I know that second language needs to be constantly improved. I don't limit learning only to school lessons, so I make a lot of things which can help me. For example I often play computer games in their original language (almost all games are produced in English) rather than Polish, translated games. Besides I listen to internet BBC's radio, watch TV channels like CNN, BBC and I surf on English websites or forums.

That's all.

Oczy mi się kleją, ale na szybko ujdzie, pałki nie wyłapiesz.

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