grattz [ Generaďż˝ ]
Fallout3 - Nie mogę wyjść z budynku Chryslusa :/
Znalazłem główny klucz do budynku Chryslusa u jednego z mutantów.Otwarłem kilka drzwi ale żadne nie prowadzą do wyjścia.
Przeszukałem piwnice , parter i I piętro - nie widzę wyjścia. Na 2 piętrze tam gdzie wchodziłem (wpadłem) przez tą wielką dziurę są jakieś drzwi ale ich nie da sie otworzyć tym kluczem a umiejętność otwierania zamków musi wynosić tam 50 . ( których nie mam )
@d@m [ En Ami ]
For lower-level players, it is very easy to become stuck inside the building with no way out due to the Very Hard lock in the lower offices. It is necessary to defeat a Super Mutant Master (or Super Mutant Overlord, see enemies) to obtain the Master Pass Key, which will be able to unlock all very hard locked doors in the building. If you cannot lockpick hard doors, watch out for a pit that has an ammunition box at the bottom of it with a Scoped .44 Magnum. However, this is the trap. It is in the northern part of the reception area. The pit also has a Nuka-Cola Machine in it, so look for that as well. Note that the pass key does not work on the hard locked door in to this pit trap room. It can only be opened by using lockpick or hacking the terminal on the wall in the hallway immediately adjacent to it (outside of the pit room). Thus, if a player is unable to open this door, or fails to do so before entering the pit, they must travel through the basement to the other exit, with a door the passkey can open, in addition to defeating the Super Mutant Master in order to obtain the key.
It is possible for the super mutant with the key to move to the lower Offices and be difficult to locate.
grattz [ Generaďż˝ ]
Udało się! . W piwnicy były drzwi do klatki schodowej która wyprowadziła mnie do recepcji .