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Alanis Morissette....I feel this way


gabrysia636 [ Legionista ]

Alanis Morissette....I feel this way

I'll give you careless amounts of out-right
acceptance if you want it. I will give you
encouragment to choose the path that you
want if you need it.
You can speak of anger and doubts,
your fears and freak-outs and I'll hold it.
You can share your so-called "shamefilled" accounts
of times in your life and I won't judge it.

And there are no strings attached [to it].

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
and you owe me nothing in return.

You can ask for space for yourself
and only yourself and I'll grant it.
You can ask for freedom as well
or time to travel and you'll have it.

You can ask to live by yourself
or love someone else and I'll support it.
You can ask for anything you want,
anything at all and I'll understand it.

And there are no strings attached [to it].

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
and you owe me nothing in return.

I bet you're wondering when
the next payback shoe will eventually drop.
I bet you're wondering when my
conditional police will force you to cough up.
I bet you're wondering how far you
have now dancéd your way back into debt.
This is the only kind of love
as I understand it that there really is.

You can express your deepest of thruths
even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it.
You can fall into the abyss on your way to your bliss,
I'll empathize with.
You can say that you'll have to skip town
to chase your passion and I'll hear it.

You can leave and hit rock bottom
have a mid-life chrisis and I'll hold it.

And there are no strings attached [to it].

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
and you owe me nothing in return.

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
and you owe me nothing in return.

Nie często pisze na tym forum, ale jakoś tak mnie zebrało :)
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