Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
Prosze o pomoc PILNE BARDZO PROSZE o szybka reakcje !!!
Bardzo was prosze o napisanie pracy z angielskiego na pozimie 1 gimnazjum na jutro mi potrzebna to sprawa zycia lub smierci :
- wywiad z jakas gwiazda na strone
- opis pokoju na strone
- jestes zwierzakiem i opisujesz swojego pana i swoj zwykly dzien na strone
Strona z zeszytu , sam tego nie umiem , poprawiam sie na 4 i to bardzo mi potrzebne BLAGAM O POMOC !!!
PrEd4ToR [ ››SuperNatural‹‹ ]
Trza bylo sluchac pani na lekcjach, a nie rysowac bzdety w zeszycie. powaznie....
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
Up up PROSZE !!! dla osoby ktora to zrobi nagroda w postaci dowiecznego szacunku .
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
o jaaaa...stary nie zrobisz tego...
ja bym ci pomogl ale i tak nie zrobisz tego....
banan [ Leniwiec Pospolity ]
poszukaj np. na www.yahoo.com - wywiad z gwiazda powinien tam byc - odrobine sprymitywizuj slownictwo i voi la
severok [ spamer ]
wejdź na www.sciaga.pl i poszukaj w pracach z angielskiego
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
Vebik czego nie zrobie ? Bardzo was prosze o przysluge . JEDNA .
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
ja ci sprubuje srobic o pokoju :)
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
dzieki jestes wielki !!!!
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
- Welcome in „Who is our guest today ?”. In our show viewers guess, who is our guest. If you know the answer - call to us! Then welcome stranger.
- Welcome.
- What do you do and do you enjoy your job ?
- Well, I’m an actor. I like my job a lot, but there is one bad thing in being an actor. I haven’t got time for my family. I’m very busy.
- Well, tell us about a typical day in your life ?
- When I don’t make any film, I get up at six o’clock in the morning. I make my morning gymnastics, then I’ve a shower. After that I have a breakfast. I eat protein bars, and I drink energetic drinks. At 7:30 I’m in TV. Then I give interviews.
- Wow, I can’t get up at six o’clock. What do you do then ?
- I go to the gym at 9;45 for one hour. I’ve 45 – minutes – break and a small snack. Then I go to beautician, because she’s preparing me to the next interviews. When I’m ready I go to „press junket”. It’s a part of promotion each film. It’s very long, about 4 houers and all that time I must be smile.
- You are macho and you go to beautician and are smile 4 houers ? That can’t be. O.K. What do you do then ?
- I go second time to the gym at 17:30. I’m there one hour. After that I’ve got a breake and I’ve time to call to my wife. I’ve very busy evening, because I go to banquets, coctails, buisness meetings. After midnight I make a short plane to next day and I go to bed before 1 a.m.
- I see your work isn’t easy. In your films, how „Terminator 1&2”, „Conan”, „True lies” you are macho. Are you the same at your free time ?
- Absolutly not. I don’t want, that people see in me only a guy who can good pull muscles. In my free time I love being with my wife, and I like cooking. So that, I’ve got a restaurant called – „Planet Hollywood”.
To chociaz to sprawdzcie i powiedzcie czy dobrze . Jest to wziete ze strony www.sciaga.pl
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
Moj pokuj jest duzy. W mojm pokoju znajduję sie doże łóżko ktore zajmuje ponad 1/3 powierzchni pokoju. Naprzeciwko łózka znajduje sie szafa w ktorej mam swoje rzeczy np. Odziez kurtki itd. Kolo szafy znajduje sie moja szafka w ktorek trzymam potrzebne rzeczy do szkoły. Obok szafki znajduje się duzy 18 calowy telewizor z ktoreko rzadko korzystam. Na przeciwko telewizora stoi komputer. Komputer jest umieszczony na biurku. Na biurku mam stojak na plyty dzieki czemu nie musze chodzic po pokoju i szukac plyt. Kolor tapety w pokoju to niebieski. Niebieski dlatego ze jest to moj ulubiony kolor. Na tapecie sa przymmocowane rozne obrazki. W mojm pokoju znajduje sie kaloryfer dzieki czemu jest cieplo. Obok biurka znajduje sie polka na ktorej stoi wierza z dużymi głośnikami. Na tapecie sa umieszcone także plakaty z gier i mojch ulubionych bohaterów komputerowych i z ksiązek. Ogólnie w mojm pokoju prawie zawsze panuje balagan.
dalej sobie jeszcze cos dopiszesz.....ale nie wiem czy bedzie to tobie pasowalo :))))
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
aha jak zrobilem jakis blad o sorka :)
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
i jak?!?!?
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
to mialo byc po angielsku ...
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
Moze sprobujesz po angielsku ? Bo to prace z anglika ...
Asmodean [ Konsul ]
no dobra sprobuje wywiad:)))
J- journalist M- madonna
J: Hello Madonna, thanks for comming to the studio.
M: The pleasure is all mine.
J: I would like to ask you a question. How is it to be famous? Is it difficult?
M: You even dont know how much difficult is it. Sometimes I wish to be normal, grey pearson. But i earn much money from that and I think thats why I'm doing it. But I'm getting older and older, and it's hard to don't see it.
I'm affraid the day when i will get out of the scene is getting closer.
J: Who is your favorite movie star?
M: Oh, that's funny question you know. Once I have starred myself, but I'm not really good actress I think. My idol is George Clooney - for the professionalism, sence of humor and of course talent!
J: Did you have plans for the future?
M: Actually, the most important thing in my life is my son. I spendt a lot of time whit him. I'm trying to be the best mother in the world, but that's difficult.
J: Well, we're getting out of time. I will just say that I was honored from having a interview with you.
M: Like I said the pleasure was all mine...
tyle na I gim winno starczyc a za wszystkie bledy przepraszam:))) sprawdz to jeszcze ze slownikiem i... powodzenia:)))
kakoon [ Generaďż˝ ]
Hi - my name is Reksio. I'm a dog. My owners name is Janek. I like him very much - he is my best friend. Janek has mother, father and sister - i like them too. I live with them since i can remember. I think that they take me home when i was still a little puppy. I love long walks. I used to walk with Janek's dad every morning. I like it very much - especially running. After morning walk Janek's mom gives me breakfest - often it's not very sophisticated - some dog food - Friskies is the best one i think. Sometimes she gives me some ham o other delicious meat. After breakfest, Janek, his sister Ola and dad go to work so i stay in home with mom. just guess what are we doing all day - we are playing and laughing. i also like to sleep. i think i sleep a lot - at least 4 hours during the day - and all night ofcourse. about 4 p.m. o'clock Janek gets back from school. He takes me for a walk - and if the weather is good we play for a long time. Then, we get back home and Janek often has to study so i eat dinner made by mom, and sometimes play with Ola. About 8 o'clock i'm taking my last walk - most often with Janek, but sometimes with dad. Then about 9 pm i jump on to the Janek's bed and try not to get kicked out of there :).
:))) - fajny temat - staralem sie prosto :)))
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
aha ok sprobuje :)
ale dobra praca czy ...????
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
My room is big. In (to) over 1/3 surface of chamber (peace) chamber (peace) find (be placed) bed which (who) occupy (deal with) mojm doże. Case is placed opposite in which (who) mum thing łózka e.g. Odżiez, jackets etc. circle of case in which (who) for school my case find (be placed) hold wanted thing. Beside case from which (who) big 18 find (be placed) TV seldom use calowy. Computer stands on against tv set. Computer is placed on desk. I must not walk on desk of mum on due to that after chamber (peace) upright plyty and search plyt. Color of wallpaper it in chamber (peace) blue. Blue because there is my favorite color. There is on wallpaper corner picture przymmocowane. Shelf beside desk on which (who) with big loudspeakers find (be placed) stand wierza. Posters on wallpaper from games company ltd. also umieszcone and favorite hero computer mojch and with (from) ksiązek. It reigns in (to) generally always chamber (peace) almost < law (as of right) > mojm balagan.
kilku rzeczy nie przetumaczyłem boo nie wiedzialem jak to zrobic :))
a to wersja z ktorej przetumaczylem aha i sobie jeszcze cos tam dopisz...
Mój pokuj jest duży. W mojm pokoju znajduję się doże łóżko które zajmuje ponad 1/3 powierzchni pokoju. Naprzeciwko łózka znajduje się szafa w której mam swoje rzeczy np. Odżiez, kurtki itd. Koło szafy znajduje się moja szafka w której trzymam potrzebne rzeczy do szkoły. Obok szafki znajduje się duży 18 calowy TV z którego rzadko korzystam. Na przeciwko telewizora stoi komputer. Komputer jest umieszczony na biurku. Na biurku mam stojak na plyty dzięki czemu nie muszę chodzić po pokoju i szukać plyt. Kolor tapety w pokoju to niebieski. Niebieski dlatego że jest to mój ulubiony kolor. Na tapecie są przymmocowane rożne obrazki. Obok biurka znajduje się półka na której stoi wierza z dużymi głośnikami. Na tapecie sa umieszcone także plakaty z gier i mojch ulubionych bohaterów komputerowych i z ksiązek. Ogólnie w mojm pokoju prawie zawsze panuje balagan.
za wszystkie błedy sorx
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
kakoon asmodean dzieki !!!!! kocham was !!!!! zostala tylko jedna praca opis pokoju prosze !!!
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
Half org ---> i jak....uff..juz nic nie pisze lapy mi odpadaja :P
kakoon [ Generaďż˝ ]
podoba sie ?
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
jak sie nie podoba no coz...starałem sie jak moglem heh....chodze do 6 klasy :)))
to jest na poziomie... (sam sie wim jakim :)))) )
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
moze ktos sprobowal by przetlumaczyc do reszty text vebika bardzo by mi pomogl .
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
heh...ale podoba sie?
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
kakoon podoba sie !!! asmodean tez sie podoba !!!!!
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
vebik podoba sie tylko zeby bylo do reszty przeetlumaczone ...
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
My room is big. In (to) over 1/3 surface of chamber (peace) chamber (peace) find (be placed) bed which (who) occupy (deal with) mojm dóże. Case is placed opposite in which (who) mum thing łózka e.g. Odżież, jackets etc. circle of case in which (who) for school my case find (be placed) hold wanted thing. Beside case from which (who) big 18 find (be placed) TV seldom use calowy. Computer stands on against tv set. Computer is placed on desk. I must not walk on desk of mum on due to that after chamber (peace) upright plyty and search CD. Color of wallpaper it in chamber blue. Blue because there is my favorite color. There is on wallpaper corner picture przymocowane. Shelf beside desk on which (who) with big loudspeakers find (be placed) stand wierza. Posters on wallpaper from games company ltd. also umieszcone and favorite hero computer mojch and with book reigns in (to) generally always chamber (peace) almost < law (as of right) > mojm mess
no wiecej nie przetumacze
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
My room is big. In over 1/3 surface of chamber chamber find bed which occupy mojm dóże. Case is placed opposite in which mum thing łózka e.g. Odżież, jackets etc. circle of case in which for school my case find hold wanted thing. Beside case from which big 18 find (be placed) TV seldom use calowy. Computer stands on against tv set. Computer is placed on desk. I must not walk on desk of mum on due to that after chamber upright plyty and search CD. Color of wallpaper it in chamber blue. Blue because there is my favorite color. There is on wallpaper corner picture przymocowane. Shelf beside desk on which with big loudspeakers find (be placed) stand wierza. Posters on wallpaper from games company ltd. also umieszcone and favorite hero computer mojch and with book reigns in generally always chamber almost < law mojm mess
heh...te kilka wyrazow sprobuj sam :)
Asmodean [ Konsul ]
No to pokoj:))))
My room isn't the large one, but i really like it and I/m enjoying every minut spend there. On the north wall are placed three windows which are giving little light on my desk. On the west wall is placed big ?szafa? where I'm keepig my clothes. On the left are regals where my books are standing. I have a lot of fantasy stories and they occupy the biggest regal. It's my favorite collection. In the east side of my room is standing computer on a desk. I write my homworks there. I like my chair verry much, it's really comfortablle and i t helps me to do the hard work.
I also have little collection of posters on the walls. My wallpapers are (no to ty juz wiesz najlepiej) and i chosed it.
My bed is big and comfortable, thats why I'm sleeping very good. I'm trying to keep my room clean, but thats difficult and somtimes I have little (balagan?) in my room.
I'm realyy proud from my room and I think that's the best room on the earth...
uff stawiasz browara:))))
ale sprawdz w slowniku lepiej:)))
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
nawet 3 ci postawie DZIEKI !!!!!!!!!
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
My room is big. In over 1/3 surface of chamber chamber find bed which occupy mojm dóże. Case is placed opposite in which mum thing łózka e.g. Odżież, jackets etc. circle of case in which for school my case find hold wanted thing. Beside case from which big 18 find TV seldom use calowy. Computer stands on against tv set. Computer is placed on desk. I must not walk on desk of mum on due to that after chamber upright plyty and search CD. Color of wallpaper it in chamber blue. Blue because there is my favorite color. There is on wallpaper corner picture przymocowane. Shelf beside desk on which with big loudspeakers find stand wierza. Posters on wallpaper from games company ltd. also place and favorite hero computer mojch and with book reigns in generally always chamber almost < law mojm mess
te pogrubione nie wiem jak to zrobic
Asmodean [ Konsul ]
winno byc (do wallpapers) chosed them
I'm oczywiscie a nie I/m :)))
i pamietaj o akapitach...
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
a mi to co?
Asmodean [ Konsul ]
VeBik--> moze to i wredne co powiem ale w twojej pracy jest duzo bledow konstrukcyjnych..
moja wprawdzie tez cudowna nie jest ale niektore twoje raza w oczy. Nie zebym mocno krytykowal albo co ale nie polecalbym jej przepisywac...
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
tobie tez wszystkim przy najlblizej okazji stawiam browca !!! DZIEKI URATOWALISCIE MI D***
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
heh....nie ma za co :D
teraz ty muszisz to przepiszac :))
heh....dzisjaj sie zarejstrowalem i bez statsowania mam bije w jeden dzien ponad 70 postów :D
Asmodean [ Konsul ]
Ja ze swej strony pragne dodac ze lepiej zebys z anglikem ruszyl dupe w troki, bo bez jezyka to w naszych czasch daleko nie zajedziesz... Jeden jezyk musisz miec na perfect drugi na averaga jak mawia moja psor...
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
no to prawda jeden jezyk trzeba umiec bardzo dobrze o ile nie doskonale a w 2 wiedziec o co chodzi....
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
Half-org ----> gdzie mieszkasz?
Half-org [ Pretorianin ]
DZIEKI WSZYSTKIM musze leciec to wszystko przepisac Vebik mieszkam w Warszawie Narazie ALL I DZIEKI !!!
VeBiK [ Konsul ]
heh...narzie.....ja mieszkam troche daleko od warszawy :(((
JayZ [ Junior ]
wszystkie wypracowanka są gitowe....masz w czym wybierać chłopie..:)))
Lewy Krawiec(łoś) [ I can change ]
Gdybym ja płakał z każdym wypracowaniem na forum i prosił o pomoc to już klawiatura by mi się starła
kakoon [ Generaďż˝ ]
heej ja tez w Warszawie - wiec piwko mozesz postawic...powaznie mowie :)