watashii [ Junior ]
Zadanie z angola
Opis dnia.
At 6.30 I wake up and I dress. After I make breakfast for my and my sisters. About 7.00 I goes to train. To school I drive 15 minutes. At 8.00 first lesson begin. I eat second breakfest after 3 lesson with my friends. About 14.15 I finish school. From home I goes at 15.30 or sometimes later. At home waiting for me dinner, Mum has made which (who) - always. When I end eat I do my homework. At 18.30 I watch tv or read book. After I deal my small sister. Then I have shower and I learn on school objects. About 22.00 I go to bed and I sleep at 22.30, because I'm very tired of day.
Proszę o sprawdzenie. :)
Hohner [ Legionista ]
I wake up every day around 6:30 first thing i do after waking up is of course dressing up. Then i'm making some breakfast for myself and my sisters. Around 7.00 I'm going to school. It takes me about 15 minutes by train. My first lesson begins at 8.00 . After 3rd lesson i'm eating my second breakfast with my friends. About 14.15 my day at the school ends. At about 15:30 i'm back home. Now i have to wait until my mom make a dinner. After that I start doing my homework. Around 18:30 I finish my homework and starting chillin' for example watching tv or reading a book. But firstly i have to take care of my little sister. At the end of the day I'm taking a shower and again learning. I go to sleep around 22:00. You're going to ask why I'm going to sleep so early well... the answer is simple I'm really tired and a vision of next day makes me tired more.
Jako tako na kolanie bo ogladam film.
watashii [ Junior ]
Dzięki baaardzo ;* uratowałeś życie... chociaż bardziej od dostania złej oceny. ^^
polak111 [ Legend ]
Hohner --> Ban czy po prostu 2 ksywka?