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Angielski - proszę o pomoc


NoLog [ Pretorianin ]

Angielski - proszę o pomoc

Otóż mam takowy tekst (napisany przeze mnie :), ale jestem z angielskiego noga i zapewne zrobiłem tam kilka (naście?) błędów. Więc zwracam się z prośbą - mógłby ktoś to sprawdzić?

A vacuum cleaner (also called hoover) is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from carpeted floors, but also from tiled floors and other smooth surfaces. The dirt is collected by a filtering system for later disposal. Most people who have carpeted floors in their homes possess a domestic vacuum cleaner for cleaning.

A vacuum cleaner was discovered in 1901 by British Hubert Booth. He was inspired by devices blowing off dust with AIR STREAM. He drew a conclusion that devices should suck up dirt to not settle again on a surface. He designed a big hoover pulled by horses but it didn’t gain popularity.

More luckily was other inventor, American James Murray Spangler. He was a caretaker and was allergic to dust. Spangler invented an electric vacuum cleaner from a fan, a box, and a pillowcase. In addition to suction, Spangler's design incorporated a rotating brush to loosen debris. Spangler’s company was bought by William Hoover. Hoover Improved a vacuum cleaner and propagated his equipment in the USA, making lots of money.

Vacuum cleaners were very expensive until Second World War. They become generally in operation household equipment.


NoLog [ Pretorianin ]



DEXiu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Tak po "pierwszym czytaniu" wychwyciłem co następuje:

A vacuum cleaner (also called hoover) is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck [ja bym tu nie dawał up] dust and dirt, usually from carpeted floors, but also from tiled floors and other smooth surfaces. The dirt is collected by a filtering system for later disposal. Most people who have carpeted floors in their homes possess a domestic vacuum cleaner for cleaning.

A vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901 by British Hubert Booth. He was inspired by devices blowing off dust with AIR STREAM. He came to a conclusion that devices should suck [j/w] dirt to not let it settle again on a surface. He designed a big hoover pulled by horses but it didn’t gain popularity.

More lucky was other inventor, American James Murray Spangler. He was a caretaker and was allergic to dust. Spangler invented an electric vacuum cleaner from a fan, a box, and a pillowcase. In addition to suction, Spangler's design incorporated a rotating brush to loosen debris. Spangler’s company was bought by William Hoover. Hoover Improved a vacuum cleaner and propagated his equipment in the USA, making lots of money.

Vacuum cleaners were very expensive until Second World War. They become generally in operation household equipment. QUE? Nie rozumiem za bardzo tego zdania. Może chodziło Ci o coś na kształt: "They become common in household equipment."?


NoLog [ Pretorianin ]

Suck up chyba powinno zostać, bo to znaczy 'zasysać'. Ostatnie zdanie - chciałem przetłumaczyć, że po drugiej wojnie światowej stały się powszechnie używanym sprzętem gospodarstwa domowego. Dzięki za pomoc.


tmk13 [ Konsul ]

A - article
ww - wrong word
F - form( forma, czyli zle np. stworzone slowo )
int - interpunkcja (punctuation;))
ss - sentence structure
T - tense
? - problem ze zrozumieniem sensu

4- bym postawil, jak poprawisz bledy to nawet 5-.


NoLog [ Pretorianin ]

tmk13--> dzięki, kłopot w tym, że pojęcia nie mam co powstawiać w miejsce niektórych błędów. Draw a conclusion wydaje mi się poprawne, co do air stream - sam to stworzyłem, nigdzie nie mogłem znaleźć 'strumienia powietrza', tak samo z British i American - czy to nie Brytyjczyk i Amerykanin? I co to za A obok artykułu?


@d@m [ ]

The British to Brytyjczyk. A - brak/zly rodzajnik.
Mnie tez draw a conclusion wydaje sie poprawne, ale ja sie az tak nie znam :P

tmk13 ---> Myslalem, ze brak slowa/rodzajnika oznacza sie 'pierwiastkiem' :-)

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